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Von :
nach :
woerterbuch english - german
he-she has-had conjured
he-she has-had connected
he-she has-had considered
he-she has-had consolidated
he-she has-had continued
he-she has-had contributed
he-she has-had cooked
he-she has-had copied
he-she has-had counted
he-she has-had counterfeited
he-she has-had cowered
he-she has-had crawled
he-she has-had created
he-she has-had crept
he-she has-had crested
he-she has-had cried
he-she has-had crocheted
he-she has-had crossed through
he-she has-had cycled
he-she has-had danced
he-she has-had dared
he-she has-had dared
he-she has-had deactivated
he-she has-had debated
he-she has-had debated
he-she has-had decided
he-she has-had deleted
he-she has-had depilated
he-she has-had derided
he-she has-had described
he-she has-had developed
he-she has-had diced
he-she has-had died
he-she has-had dined
he-she has-had disappeared
he-she has-had discerned
he-she has-had discharged
he-she has-had discouraged
he-she has-had dispelled
he-she has-had dissuaded
he-she has-had done gymnastics
he-she has-had done handicraft
he-she has-had drawn
he-she has-had drawn
he-she has-had dreamt
he-she has-had dredged
he-she has-had driven
he-she has-had driven
he-she has-had driven up
he-she has-had dropped out
he-she has-had drudged
he-she has-had drunk
he-she has-had dug
he-she has-had eliminated
he-she has-had embroidered
he-she has-had emigrated
he-she has-had enforced
he-she has-had enjoyed
he-she has-had entered
he-she has-had entitled
he-she has-had entrenched
he-she has-had excreted
he-she has-had fallen
he-she has-had fallen asleep
he-she has-had fallen ill
he-she has-had fantasized
he-she has-had fed
he-she has-had felt
he-she has-had fenced
he-she has-had fetched
he-she has-had flailed
he-she has-had fled
he-she has-had flown
he-she has-had flown there
he-she has-had forced
he-she has-had forged
he-she has-had forgiven
he-she has-had formalized
he-she has-had formatted
he-she has-had formed
he-she has-had forsworn
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he-she has-had found
he-she has-had found out
he-she has-had fried
he-she has-had frightened
he-she has-had galvanized
he-she has-had given
he-she has-had given away
he-she has-had given up
he-she has-had given way
he-she has-had glided
he-she has-had glowed
he-she has-had glued
he-she has-had goggled
he-she has-had gone ahead
he-she has-had gone blind
he-she has-had gone on talking
he-she has-had gone out
he-she has-had gone to sleep
he-she has-had got a day off
he-she has-had got caught
he-she has-had got drunk
he-she has-had got further
he-she has-had got up
he-she has-had got
he-she has-had grasped
he-she has-had greeted
he-she has-had ground
he-she has-had grown
he-she has-had grown up
he-she has-had hacked
he-she has-had had to
he-she has-had handed over
he-she has-had harvested
he-she has-had hashed
he-she has-had hated
he-she has-had heard
he-she has-had heated
he-she has-had heated
he-she has-had held
he-she has-had held
he-she has-had helped
he-she has-had hidden
he-she has-had hiked
he-she has-had hired
he-she has-had hit
he-she has-had hitchhiked
he-she has-had hobbled
he-she has-had hoed
he-she has-had hoped
he-she has-had hopped
he-she has-had hung
he-she has-had hurt
he-she has-had immigrated
he-she has-had immolated
he-she has-had induced
he-she has-had inquired
he-she has-had intended
he-she has-had invented
he-she has-had journeyed on
he-she has-had jumped
he-she has-had kept
he-she has-had kept
he-she has-had kicked
he-she has-had killed
he-she has-had kissed
he-she has-had known
he-she has-had laid
he-she has-had lain
he-she has-had landed
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he-she has-had led
he-she has-had left out
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he-she has-had lent
he-she has-had lifted
he-she has-had limped
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he-she has-had lived
he-she has-had loaded
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he-she has-had looked
he-she has-had looked up
he-she has-had loosed
he-she has-had lost weight
he-she has-had loved
he-she has-had made
he-she has-had made a mistake
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he-she has-had marked
he-she has-had meant
he-she has-had measured
he-she has-had memorized
he-she has-had mercerized
he-she has-had met
he-she has-had migrated
he-she has-had milked
he-she has-had mislaid
he-she has-had mismanaged
he-she has-had moderated
he-she has-had molested
he-she has-had monitored
he-she has-had moved
he-she has-had moved up
he-she has-had moved
he-she has-had mused
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he-she has-had needed
he-she has-had normalized
he-she has-had numbered
he-she has-had obviated
he-she has-had obviated
he-she has-had offered
he-she has-had oiled
he-she has-had omitted
he-she has-had omitted
he-she has-had opened
Antwort in: 0.397 s