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woerterbuch english - german
in most instances
in mufti
in my behalf
in my evaluation
in my experience
in my humble opinion
in my judgement (judgment)
in my opinion -IMO-
in my position
in my presence
in my view
in my younger days
in need of an explanation
in need of care
in need of protection
in need of rehabilitation
in need of repair
in neither case
in no way
in office
in olden days
in one day
in one go
in one gulp
in one piece
in one volume
in operation
in order to
in order to ...
in order to balance our accoun
in order to impede
in order to prevent
in order
in our own self-interest
in outlines
in pairs
in pairs
in paragraphs
in parallel with
in parenthesis
in part
in particular
in particular
in parts
in payment of a debt
in person
in phase (with)
in phases
in places
in plain language
in position
in pouring rain
in practice
in preparation -in prep.-
in preparation for
in pretence
in principle
in pristine condition
in process
in process of time
in profile
in progress
in proper style
in proportion (to)
in prospect
in proximity to
in public
in public matters
in pursuance (of)
in pursuance of his vocation
in pursuit of
in quadruplicate
in question
in quick succession
in quires
in rapt contemplation
in raptures
in reality
in recent years
in regard to
in relation to
in relation to
in relationship
in rem
in remembrance of
In reply to my question he sai
in reply to your letter of
in representational form
in response to
in retrospect I think ...
in retrospect
in revenge (for)
in reversed order
in rhyme
in round terms
in rows
in safe custody
in search of
in secret
in sections
in series
in shifts
in short
in sight
in sight of the public
in similar vein
in single shear
in sips
in situ
in situ accretionary limestone
in slow-motion
in so far as
in some degree
in some respects
in spite of everything
in spite of the fact that she
in spite of
in stages
in step
in stock
in style
in substance
in such a case
in such a way
in such a way
in summary
in summer
in summertime
in support of
in support of
in swarms
in sync
in tabular form
in tandem with
in terms of
in terms of
in terms of figures
in terms of money
in terms of price
in terms of time
in terraces
in that case
in the absence of an answer
in the abstract
in the act of doing sth.
in the act
in the afternoon -p.m.
in the afternoon
in the aggregate
in the air
in the attic
in the ballpark
in the bows
in the case in question
in the Chemnitz area
in the closing minutes
in the closing seconds
in the closing stages
in the country
in the country
In the country of the blind th
in the countryside
in the course of
in the course of the years
in the course of time
in the course of time
in the course of
in the courtyard
in the darkness of night
in the disguise of
in the distance
in the early afternoon
in the early stages
in the end
in the end
in the evening
in the evening
in the event
in the event of a failure
in the event of damage
in the event of damage
in the event of illness
in the event of non-acceptance
in the event of non-payment
in the exercise of his duties
in the Far East proper
in the field (of)
in the first instance
in the first place
in the flesh
in the form of stings of pearl
in the future tense
in the gloomy wood
in the guise of a ...
in the hood
in the house
in the interest of
in the interests of safety
in the issue
in the lap of luxury
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