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Deutsch - Englisch
Deutsch - Tschechisch
Von :
nach :
woerterbuch english - german
to pillage
to pillage and threaten to bur
to pillory
to pillow
to pilot
to pimp
to pimp
to pin
to pin
to pin
to pin up
to pinch
to pinch
to pinch
to pinch
to pinch off
to pinch out
to pine
to pine away (with grief)
to pine away with
to ping
to ping
to pinion sb. against the wall
to pink
to pinnacle
to pinpoint
to pioneer
to pioneer sth.
to pipe
to pipe
to pipe (bird)
to pipeline
to pique
to pique
to pique
to pirouette
to piss
to pit oneself against sth.
to pitch
to pitch
to pitch
to pitch
to pitch
to pitch a tent
to pitch camp
to pitchfork
to pitchfork
to pity
to pity sb.
to pivot
to placate
to place
to place
to place
to place a bank-company into c
to place a burden on sb.
to place an ad
to place an embargo on sth.
to place an order (for)
to place back
to place in safe custody
to place in
to place on the Index
to place oneself close to sb.
to place over
to place reliance on sb.-sth.
to place sb. on hold
to place sth. somewhere
to place under disability
to place under house arrest
to place underneath
to place
to plagiarize
to plague
to plan
to plan
to plan ahead
to plan for the longer term
to plan to do sth.
to plan
to plane
to plane
to plane
to plane
to plane off
to plank
to plant
to plant
to plant
to plant
to plant
to plant
to plant
to plaster
to plaster
to plaster on
to plasticize
to plasticize
to play
to play
to play (at) chess
to play (party) politics with
to play a cat-and-mouse game w
to play a game
to play a joke on sb.
to play a part in sth.
to play a piece of music to-fo
to play a prank on sb.
to play a square pass to s.o.
to play a tangential role
to play a trick on sb.
to play act
to play as a defender
to play at cards
to play at dice
to play at dominoes
to play at robbers
to play at skittles
to play back
to play badminton
to play ball
to play basketball
to play by the rules
to play cops and robbers
to play dance music
to play dice
to play down
to play down
to play fair
to play fast and loose with
to play fast and loose with so
to play football
to play footsie with sb.
to play for a football club
to play for love
to play for money
to play for safety
to play for the championship
to play from music
to play handball
to play hopscotch
to play in an orchestra
to play it by ear
to play it safe
to play music from tape
to play off sb. against sb.
to play patience
to play pinball
to play poker
to play pranks on sb.
to play rough
to play sb. off-side
to play sb. up
to play tag
to play the bagpipes
to play the flute
to play the guitar
to play the harp
to play the leading role
to play the market
to play the second fiddle
to play the woman
to play through
to play truant
to play up
to play up
to play volleyball
to play with the children
to play with two strikers (foo
to play
to plead as an excuse
to plead ignorance
to plead
to plead
to plead
to please
to please
to please
to please sb.
to please the eye
to pleat
to pleat
to pledge oneself to do sth.
to pledge sth.
to pley on
to plod
to plod
to plonk down
to plonk
to plop
to plot
to plot
to plot (against)
to plot (against)
to plough back
to plough in
to plough over
to plough through
to plough up
to plough
Antwort in: 0.492 s