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woerterbuch english - german
to pull over
to pull over
to pull over
to pull sb. to pieces
to pull so. through
to pull sth. to pieces
to pull strings
to pull the plug
to pull the plug
to pull the strings
to pull the strings
to pull the trigger
to pull through
to pull together
to pull together in a hurry
to pull together
to pull together
to pull up
to pull up
to pull up
to pull up
to pull up
to pull up (at)
to pull up short
to pull-lift a team out of the
to pulp
to pulp
to pulp
to pulsate
to pulsate
to pulse
to pulverize
to pummel
to pump
to pump dry
to pump iron
to pump out
to pump up
to pun (on
to punch
to punch
to punch
to punch
to punch
to punch (the ball)
to punch
to punch
to punctuate
to punctuate
to puncture
to punish (for)
to punt
to punt
to punt
to punt the ball
to pupate
to purchase
to purchase
to purchase
to purchase
to purchase
to puree
to purge
to purge
to purify
to purify
to purl
to purloin
to purport
to purpose sth.
to purr
to purr
to purse
to purse
to pursue
to pursue
to pursue
to pursue
to pursue a policy
to pursue a target
to pursue sb.
to purvey
to push
to push
to push
to push
to push
to push
to push
to push a child on a swing
to push ahead
to push aside
to push away
to push away
to push back
to push for answer
to push for sth.
to push forward
to push forward
to push in
to push in
to push off
to push off
to push on
to push open
to push sb.-sth.
to push sth. on the stack
to push the envelope
to push the limits
to push towards
to push underneath
to push up prices
to push up the daisies
to push up too far-high
to push-start
to pushup
to pussyfoot
to pussyfoot around
to put (clamp) the lid on sth.
to put a (big) question mark o
to put a bandage on sb.
to put a bill through
to put a ceiling on sth.
to put a full stop
to put a hat on a hen
to put a jerk in it
to put a notice up
to put a preservation order on
to put a question mark
to put a squiggly line under .
to put a stalled project back
to put a strain on sb.
to put a tourniquet on
to put a veto on sth.
to put about
to put about
to put across
to put across
to put after
to put against
to put ahead as condition
to put an apron on
to put an embargo on sth.
to put an end to a deplorable
to put aside
to put aside
to put aside
to put away
to put away
to put away (in file)
to put away
to put away
to put away
to put away
to put back
to put back
to put back
to put back on its feet
to put by
to put clean sheets on the bed
to put crosswise
to put down
to put down
to put down
to put down a buoy
to put down the receiver
to put down
to put down
to put down
to put false colors upon sb.
to put forth
to put forward an opinion
to put forward sth.
to put forward-advance an opin
to put fresh linen on
to put in
to put in
to put in
to put in
to put in
to put in
to put in a bad mood
to put in a claim for damages
to put in a cross
to put in a disclaimer of sth.
to put in a good word for
to put in a good word to sb. f
to put in order
to put in order
to put in train
to put inside
to put inside
to put into another bed
to put into care
to put into interim storage
to put into operation
to put into practice
to put into practice
to put into quarantine
to put into rhyme
Antwort in: 0.488 s