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woerterbuch english - german
to put into words
To put it bluntly ...
to put it in a nutshell
to put it mildly
to put it on
to put it to sb.
to put money aside
to put money in escrow
to put off
to put off
to put off (till
to put off (until)
to put off sb.
to put oil on troubled waters
to put on
to put on
to put on
to put on
to put on
to put on
to put on a dress
to put on a leash
to put on a list
to put on airs
to put on airs
to put on an act
to put on an apron
to put on clean bedding
to put on clean underwear
to put on end
to put on frills
to put on gloves
to put on guard
to put on hold
to put on hold
to put on ice
to put on manual
to put on one side
to put on the back burner
to put on the barmy stick
to put on the dog
to put on the market
to put on the order of the day
to put on the scales
to put on three pounds
to put on
to put on
to put on
to put oneself out
to put out
to put out
to put out
to put out
to put out
to put out a rumour
to put out at interest
to put out feelers to ...
to put out of action
to put out of tune
to put out
to put people in pigeonholes
to put poison down
to put pressure on sb.
to put sb. behind
to put sb. in a backwater
to put sb. in a position to do
to put sb. in chains
to put sb. in her-his place
to put sb. off doing sth.
to put sb. off his-her stride
to put sb. off
to put sb. on his mettle
to put sb. on the rack
to put sb. on the spot
to put sb. to great inconvenie
to put sb. under quarantine
to put sb. up
to put sb.-sth. in the limelig
to put so. off sth.
to put so. on the sick list
to put some oomphh into it
to put sth. in concrete terms
to put sth. into circulation
to put sth. into cold storage
to put sth. on file
to put sth. on layaway
to put sth. on show
to put sth. out to air
to put sth. over sth.
to put sth. up for (at
to put sth. up for sale
to put straight
to put straight through
to put the bite on sb.
to put the blame on sb.
to put the blame on sb. for st
to put the car in for a servic
to put the car in neutral
to put the cart before the hor
to put the clock back
to put the clock forward (one
to put the fear of God into sb
to put the finishing touches (
to put the lid on sth.
to put the lid on sth.
to put the responsibility for
to put the skids under sb.
to put the teeth into a law
to put things straight (with s
to put through
to put through
to put through (to)
to put through
to put to bed
to put to death
to put to flight
to put to school
to put to sea
to put to shame
to put to the acid
to put to the test
to put together
to put together
to put together
to put turf down
to put under
to put under pressure
to put under
to put up
to put up
to put up
to put up
to put up (on)
to put up a building
to put up a fight
to put up a good show
to put up a scaffolding
to put up for (at
to put up posters
to put up resistance
to put up the bank rate
to put up the banns
to put up with
to put up with sb.-sth.
to put up
to put wood behind the arrow
to put
to put
to put
to put-get sth. back on track
to putrefy
to putt
to putter
to putter
to putty
to puzzle out
to puzzle sb.
to puzzle
to puzzle
to quack
to quack
to quack
to quadruplicate
to quaff
to quake
to qualify
to qualify
to qualify
to qualify
to qualify a statement
to qualify for a position
to qualify for a tax relief
to qualify for benefit
to qualify for the quarterfina
to qualify for the round of si
to qualify so. to do sth.
to quantify
to quantify
to quantize
to quarantine
to quarrel
to quarrel with sb.
to quarrel
to quarrel
to quarry
to quarry for sth.
to quarter
to quarter in barracks
to quash
to quash
to quash
to quaver
to quaver
to quaver
to quell
to quell (anxieties)
to quell (fear)
to quell (feelings)
to quell (riot)
to quench
Antwort in: 0.477 s