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the song of songsthe sooner the betterthe sooner the better
the SpanishThe speech lacked coherence.The spirit is willing but the
the square of threethe standard of her school worThe Star-Money
the Stars and Stripesthe Statethe state of affairs
the state of the artthe StatesThe station is after this hous
the stereotype of the GermanThe story goes ...The Story of a Youth Who Went
The Story of Schlauraffen Landthe straight and narrowthe straight tip
the Straits of Gibraltarthe strangethe subconscious
The subject never came up.The subject of ... came up.the Sudeten
the suitsThe sun is low.The sun is low.
The survey shows that ...the swellsthe Swiss
The Taming of the Shrewthe teachings of the BibleThe team advances to the secon
The team has qualified.The team was unlucky to lose bThe teams are tied on points.
The teams had a warm-up beforethe technical edgethe tedium of everyday life
The Tempestthe tempest-tostThe tent stood up to the wind.
the text at handthe thin end of the wedgethe thing-in-itself
the thinking and feelingthe Third WorldThe threat of bankruptcy was h
the three Wise Men from the EaThe Threepenny OperaThe tide has turned.
The tide turns.The time flashed past.The time has come to ...
The time is not ripe (for it).the tip of the icebergThe Titanic sank on its maiden
the toast of the townThe toilet was occupied.The tongue is sharper than any
the top brassthe top tenthe total costs
the TradesThe train is already due.The train leaves at 2.
The train was on schedule.The train will be long in comithe Tranquility Sea
the transparent citizenthe transparent surferthe trapped miners
The tree is known by its fruitThe trial is still pending.the tried and tested way
the Triune GodThe troops were restricted in The trouble is that ...
The Twelve BrothersThe twins are the spitting imaThe two are fond of each other
The two of them went away togethe Tyrolthe unco guide
the undeadthe underlying cause of sth.the undoubted cause
the unexpectedthe unimportantthe unkindness of his behavior
the unlivingthe unsaidthe unvarnished truth
the ups and downsthe ups and downs of lifethe upshot
The upshot was that ...the UralsThe US has used waterboarding
the usual suspectsthe vagaries of naturethe vagaries of the weather
The Valiant Little Tailorthe vast expanse (of the oceanthe vehicle that was overtaken
the venues (of the European chThe very idea!the very next day
the very samethe vicissitudes of lifethe Virgin Mary
the visual artsThe vultures are hovering abovthe Wars of the Roses
The washing is on the line.The watch is still under guaraThe water is low.
the way of doing sth.The weakest goes to the wall.The weather co-operated (nicel
The weather has scotched that.The weather is unsettled.The weather is very close.
The weather keeps up.The weather looks promising.The weather was bad and the mo
the week before lastthe well-disposed readerthe Well-Tempered Clavier
the Welsh (people)The wheel wobbles slightly.the wherewithal
The White Housethe whole array of questions cthe whole bag of tricks
the whole blessed daythe whole boilingthe whole family
The whole is more than the sumthe whole lotThe whole of Europe looks in e
the whole outfitthe whole shebangthe whole stuff
The whole thing is off.The whole thing looks fishy.the whole thing
the whole timeThe whole trick is to ...the wind (section)
The wind soughed through the tThe window has bars.The windscreen is cracked.
The wine is full-bodied, gentlThe wise man makes provision fThe wish was father to the tho
The Wishing-Table, The Gold-AsThe Wolf and the Seven Little the woodwind section
The word was coined by SchilleThe wording of this sentence sThe wording ran as follows.
The work has been commissionedThe work is faultless and thusThe work is up to schedule.
the world of lettersThe worm has turned.The worse is yet to come.
the worst enemyThe worst is yet to come.The wound discharges.
the woundedthe wrong directionthe wrong way around
The year is 2010.the year to comeThe yeas have it!
The Yen has reached a multi-yethe youngthe young generation
the youngthe Zulu peopleThe-my entire weekend is booke
theatre box officetheatre box officestheatre company
theatre critictheatre curtaintheatre curtains
theatre fiendtheatre general directortheatre general directors
theatre of the absurdtheatre of wartheatre sister
theatre sisterstheatre style
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