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woerterbuch english - german
to be a Pollyanna
to be a portent of
to be a prelude (to)
to be a racist
to be a real cutie
to be a real vision
to be a reproach to sb.
to be a sellout
to be a slave of
to be a slog
to be a smart-ass
to be a smooth talker
to be a sound sleeper
to be a sporty dresser
to be a stunner
to be a success
to be a swindler
to be a thing of the past
to be a trial to sb.
to be a tribute to sb.
to be ablaze
to be ablaze
to be ablaze with light
to be able
to be able to
to be able to cope with a heav
to be able to cope with sth.
to be able to deal
to be able to go out
to be able to look after onese
to be able to see the full ext
to be about to do sth.
to be about
to be above reproach
to be above such things
to be above the clouds
to be absent
to be absolutely determined
to be accepted as legally bind
to be achieved
to be acquainted with
to be active in politics
to be active in public health
to be adamant that ...
to be added
to be added to clear soups
to be addicted (to)
to be addicted to alcohol
to be addicted to drugs
to be addicted to smoking
to be addictive
to be adequate
to be adequate
to be adequate to the task
to be admitted to the bar
to be adrift
to be advancing
to be advancing
to be afflicted with
to be afflicted with a disease
to be afraid of
to be afraid of sth.
to be afraid
to be after sth.-sb.
to be against sth.
to be aglitter with lights
to be ahead of sb.
to be air-sick
to be ajar
to be alert to sth.
to be alight
to be alive
to be alive with (midges)
to be all by oneself
to be all churned up inside
to be all in a fluster
to be all in a sweat
to be all knocked out
to be all set
to be allusive
to be alone in the world
to be always interfering
to be amazed
to be amenable to the law
to be an achiever
to be an anathema to sb.
to be an everyday occurrence
to be an expert on the subject
to be an extrovert
to be an island-oasis of tranq
to be an outrage against decen
to be an outrage against good
to be an outrage upon dignity
to be angry
to be angry at sth.
to be angry with sb.
to be angry with
to be announced -TBA-
to be annoyed
to be annoyed at sb.
to be annoyed with sth.
to be anticyclical
to be antipathetic to sb.
to be antipathetic to sb.
to be antipathetic to sth.
to be anxious
to be anxious about so.
to be anxious for sth.
to be anxious to do sth
to be anxious to do sth.-that
to be appalled (at sth.
to be apparent
to be apparent
to be appreciative of sth.
to be apprehensive
to be apprehensive of sth.
to be arrived
to be as bright as a button
to be as fresh as a daisy
to be as mad as a hatter
to be as safe as houses
to be as thick as thieves
to be ashamed (of
to be ashamed of sth.
to be asked to present oneself
to be asleep
to be assailed with doubts
to be assassinated
to be associated with sb.
to be associated with sth.
to be associated with sth.
to be astonished
to be at a crossroads
to be at a disadvantage
to be at a loose end
to be at a loss for
to be at a loss for an answer
to be at full stretch
to be at full stretch
to be at large
to be at loggerheads (with sb.
to be at loggerheads with so.
to be at rest
to be at rock-bottom
to be at school
to be at stake
to be at table
to be at the bottom of the tab
to be at the helm
to be at variance with sb. (ab
to be at war
to be at work
to be at-on the receiving end
to be at
to be attached to
to be attached to
to be attached to so.
to be attacked
to be attentive
to be attuned to one another
to be authorized
to be authorized
to be available
to be available on call
to be avenged for sth.
to be averse from doing sth.
to be averse to (from) sth.
to be awake
to be aware of sth.
to be away for a while
to be away on a job
to be away on business
to be away on travel
to be away
to be awed by sth.
to be awestruck
to be axial to each other
to be back
to be back on form
to be back on track
to be back to square one
to be backed up by sb.
to be badly designed
to be badly off
to be badly received
to be bald
to be ballasted
to be banned
to be baptized
to be barred by the statute of
to be based on
to be based on consensus
to be based on supposition
to be bathed in sweat
to be because of sb.-sth.
to be behind it
to be behind sb.
to be behind schedule
to be behind the house
to be behind the target
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