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nach :
woerterbuch english - german
to be nice-looking
to be no good
to be no longer current
to be noncommittal
to be none the wiser
to be normalized
to be not directly based on se
to be not musical
to be not sustainable
to be not very generous
to be nothing loath
to be notorious for sth.
to be nuts
to be nutty (on)
to be obliged
to be obliging
to be obsessed (by
to be obsessive about sth.
to be obvious
to be occupied
to be of a different stamp
to be of a retiring nature
to be of age
to be of different opinions
to be of interest
to be of no importance for sth
to be of particular relevance
to be of prime importance
to be of same size
to be of service
to be of subordinate importanc
to be of use
to be of value
to be off
to be off beam
to be off duty
to be off sick
to be off sick
to be off the hook
to be off the map
to be off the pay roll
to be off the track
to be offhand about sth.
to be offhand with sb.
to be offside
to be omitted
to be on
to be on a committee
to be on a diet
to be on a drip
to be on a list
to be on a roll
to be on air
to be on alert
to be on attachment (to)
to be on call
to be on cloud nine
to be on display
to be on duty
to be on duty
to be on edge
to be on fire
to be on flexitime
to be on guard duty
to be on hand
to be on hold
to be on hold
to be on lease (to)
to be on leave
to be on my own
to be on parole
to be on picket duty
to be on probation
to be on sale
to be on show
to be on sick leave
to be on skid row
to be on suicide watch
to be on target
to be on the A-list
to be on the ball
to be on the beam
to be on the bench
to be on the brink of sth.
to be on the decline
to be on the defensive
to be on the dole
to be on the edge of a precipi
to be on the edge of disaster
to be on the horns of a dilemm
to be on the increase
to be on the lam
to be on the look-out for
to be on the mend
to be on the move
to be on the nickel
to be on the offensive
to be on the outside
to be on the point of
to be on the right
to be on the rise
to be on the run
to be on the safe side
to be on the shelf
to be on the simmer
to be on the spot
to be on the staff
to be on the stage
to be on the top (of the world
to be on the upgrade
to be on the verge of ruin
to be on the verge of war
to be on the waiting list
to be on the warpath
to be on the way home
to be on the way to recovery
to be on the wrong track
to be on tour
to be on trial
to be on-call
to be oneself
to be open
to be open to conviction
to be opposed (to)
to be opposite
to be or not to be
to be ordered to pay a fine
to be oriented towards sth.
to be ossified
to be ostentatiously about sth
to be out
to be out for (to)
to be out of all proportion to
to be out of condition
to be out of operation
to be out of order
to be out of order
to be out of place
to be out of place
to be out of sight
to be out of square
to be out of the woods
to be out of town
to be out of training
to be out of tune with sth.
to be out of use
to be out of work
to be out on a limb
to be out to lunch
to be outnumbered
to be outraged at-by sth.
to be outstanding
to be over the moon with joy
to be over the worst
to be over-inflated
to be overrun (with)
to be overrun (with)
to be overtaken by events
to be overthe hill
to be overwhelmed with joy
to be paid on a time basis (pe
to be painful
to be parasetic (on)
to be parched
to be parked in the undergroun
to be part of
to be past reclaim
to be patient
to be patterned on sth.
to be payable to bearer
to be pen friends with sb.
to be pending
to be performed
to be permanent
to be permitted
to be pertinent to sth.
to be pessimistic
to be pink-slipped
to be piqued at sb.
to be piqued at sth.
to be piqued at sth.
to be pissed
to be placed in a medically in
to be placed in custody pendin
to be placed third
to be plastered
to be pleased about sth.
to be pleased with a present
to be poised for sth.
to be poorly received
to be popular
to be popular with
to be positioned on the edge
to be possessed (by)
to be possessed (by)
to be possessive towards sb.
to be posted away
to be potty-trained
to be predicable of sth.
to be predominant
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