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woerterbuch english - german
to disuse
to ditch
to ditch sb.
to ditch
to dither
to dither (between)
to dither over sth.
to dither
to dive
to dive
to dive
to diverge
to diversify
to divert
to divert
to divest
to divest
to divest
to divest
to divide
to divide
to divide
to divide (into)
to divide by four
to divide by three
to divide in
to divide into four
to divide into four parts
to divide into three
to divine
to divine
to divine
to divorce
to divulge
to divulge
to divvy up
to dizzy
to do
to do (the following instructi
to do a cartwheel
to do a deal with sb. for sth.
to do a good deed
to do a good deed
to do a good job
to do a hard course of trainin
to do a lot of sport
to do a lot of sports
to do a poo
to do a right-left mouse click
to do a roll
to do a self-test
to do a service
to do a small jump
to do a stocktaking
to do a test
to do a vanishing trick
to do again
to do all that is humanly poss
to do batik work
to do bird
to do business
to do completely the contrary
to do good
to do good
to do gymnastics
to do handicrafts
to do harm (to)
to do homage to sb.
to do homage
to do illicit work
to do in Rome as the Romans do
to do in snatches
to do intellectual acrobatics
to do it in the conviction tha
to do justice to sb.
to do justice to the wine
to do many things together
to do mirror writing
to do mischief
to do missionary work
to do nothing wrong
to do nothing
to do number two (baby talk)
to do okay
to do overtime
to do paperwork
to do penance
to do piecework
to do press-ups
to do sb. the compliment (of)
to do sb. wrong
to do so. a good turn
to do so. an unintentional dis
to do sports
to do sth. about the bad state
to do sth. by the book
to do sth. for a dare
to do sth. in play
to do sth. out of spite
to do sth. with great relish
to do sth. wrong
to do sth. wrong
to do sums
to do the chores
to do the crawl
to do the dishes
to do the double
to do the groundwork for sth.
to do the job properly
to do the laundry
to do the lottery
to do the pools
to do the splits
to do violence to so.
to do well
to do what one wants
to do without
to do wonders
to do wrong
to dock
to dock (tails)
to dock
to doctor
to document
to dodder
to dodge
to dodge
to dodge
to dodge (a blow)
to dodge (behind)
to dodge around
to dodge sth.
to doff
to dog
to dole out
to dolomitize
to domesticate
to domesticate
to domicile
to dominate
to dominate (over)
to dominate (over)
to domineer
to domineer over
to don
to donate
to donate
to donate blood
to donate
to doodle
to doodle
to doom
to doorstep
to dope
to dope
to dope
to dope (horses etc.)
to dope
to dose
to doss
to dot
to dot (with)
to dot an i
to dote
to dote on sb.
to double
to double
to double
to double over in pain
to double up
to double-click
to double-declutch
to double-park
to double-space
to doubt (of
to doubt (of
to douche
to douse (light)
to dovetail
to dovetail
to dovetail (plans)
to dovetail (with)
to dowel
to down
to down
to downgrade
to download
to downsize
to downsize
to downsize staff
to dowse
to dowse
to doze
to doze off
to draft
to draft
to draft
to draft a contract
to draft
to drag
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