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woerterbuch english - german
to haul off
to haul off
to haul out
to haul up
to haunt
to haunt
to haunt
to have (a) temperature
to have (hold
to have ...
to have a (good) rave-up
to have a bad cold
to have a bad name
to have a bad reputation
to have a bad time
to have a barbecue in the gard
to have a bath
to have a belly full of sth.
to have a bias against sb.
to have a bias towards sth.
to have a bigger fish to fry
to have a binding agreement
to have a bit on the side
to have a blackout (loss of me
to have a bone to pick with sb
to have a brass neck
to have a break
to have a chat
to have a clean slate
to have a close look at sth.
to have a confession to make
to have a craving for sth.
to have a crush on sb.
to have a deadline
to have a delicate taste
to have a disposition to ...
to have a diuretic effect
to have a drink
to have a favourable effect on
to have a fertile imagination
to have a field day
to have a fight with sb.
to have a finger in every pie
to have a fixation about sth.
to have a fling at
to have a full figure
to have a full schedule
to have a good (bad) reputatio
to have a good mind to
to have a good skive
to have a great influx (of peo
to have a great rapport with s
to have a great triumph
to have a haircut
to have a hard struggle with s
to have a high entertainment v
to have a high opinion of ones
to have a holiday
to have a house built
to have a housewarming party
to have a kind heart
to have a knock back
to have a lasting effect on
to have a lasting effect
to have a laughing fit
to have a loathing of sth.
to have a loathing of sth.
to have a long close look at s
to have a long shelf life
to have a longing (for)
to have a longing
to have a loose tongue
to have a lot in common
to have a lot of friends
to have a low blood sugar leve
to have a low neckline
to have a lucky escape
to have a majority
to have a manicure
to have a meal
to have a motion
to have a narrow escape
to have a nervous breakdown
to have a nibble
to have a nose job
to have a pair of brass balls
to have a party
to have a passing acquaintance
to have a passion for sth.
to have a picnic
to have a pile of things to do
to have a piston seizure
to have a place where one can
to have a Pollyanna view (of t
to have a positive appearance
to have a positive appearance
to have a postal vote
to have a prejudice against st
to have a presentiment
to have a race
to have a ready tongue
to have a real go at each othe
to have a red cast
to have a reputation for
to have a ride on the merry-go
to have a shelf life
to have a shoeshine
to have a shuffling gait
to have a sixth sense (for sth
to have a skeleton in the cupb
to have a snack
to have a snack
to have a snowball fight
to have a sore throat
to have a splendid time
to have a stable family backgr
to have a strange effect
to have a stroke of luck
to have a sudden inspiration
to have a talent for drawing
to have a talent for organizat
to have a tendency towards dep
to have a thick skin
to have a think
to have a tilt
to have a tough job
to have a try at sth.
to have a whack at sth.
to have a wide reach (marketin
to have a wide-ranging knowled
to have access (to)
to have all lights blazing in
to have ambitions of getting s
to have an accent, you could c
to have an artistic dispositio
to have an artistic dispositio
to have an effect (on)
to have an effect (on)
to have an experience
to have an inherited defect
to have an interest (in)
to have an invention patented
to have an involvement with sb
to have an open mind
to have an open outcome (proce
to have an orgasm
to have an unbalanced diet
to have antique value
to have been charged (with)
to have been previously convic
to have been up to sth.
to have big ideas
to have brains
to have breakfast
to have business relations wit
to have charge of sth.
to have chosen (designated) sb
to have command of an army
to have committed to do sth.
to have compassion on
to have completed secondary mo
to have confidence in sb.
to have conflicting feelings
to have connections
to have contractions
to have definite views on ...
to have difficulty in finding
to have difficulty in walking
to have experience in sth.
to have external effects
to have extrovert tendecies
to have fallen out (with)
to have far-reaching consequen
to have fast reactions
to have feet of clay
to have gone off well
to have good suspension
to have goose pimples
to have got the knack of ...
to have great fun
to have great powers of endura
to have great respect for
to have half-board
to have health insurance
to have high blood pressure
to have illusions
to have in mind
to have in mind
to have in stock
to have it off with so.
to have it out with sb.
to have itchy feet
to have its source
to have keen senses
to have money to burn
to have no business being
to have no business to be some
to have no clue what to do
to have no connection with eac
to have no edge
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