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woerterbuch english - german
to loosen
to loosen the reins
to loot
to lop
to lop off
to lope
to lord it over sb.
to lose (money) through specul
to lose a game
to lose control of oneself
to lose control of-over sth.
to lose courage
to lose its shine
to lose the beat
to lose the rhythm
to lose the thread
to lose track (of)
to lose weight
to lose weight
to lounge
to lounge around
to lounge back
to lour
to louse
to love
to love to distraction
to lower
to lower
to lower
to lower a boat
to lower the bank rate
to lower the discount rate
to lower the interest rate
to lower
to lower
to lower
to lubricate
to luff
to luff
to lug
to lug a heavy case around
to lug in
to lull
to lull to sleep
to lullaby
to lumber
to lumber
to lumber
to lumber (up)
to luminesce
to lump
to lump
to lump it
to lump them all together
to lump together
to lump together
to lunge (at)
to lurch
to lure
to lure
to lure (into)
to lure sb. into a trap
to lurk around
to lurk
to lustrate
to lute
to luxate
to luxuriate
to lynch
to lyophilisate
to macadamize
to macadamize
to macerate
to macerate
to macerate
to macerate
to machinate
to machine
to machine-gun
to maculate
to madden
to maffick
to magnetize
to magnify
to mail a letter
to maim
to mainline
to maintain
to maintain some semblance of
to maintain the course
to maintain
to maintain
to maintain
to major in ...
to major in German studies
to make
to make (profit)
to make a (new) life for onese
to make a bad (initial) impres
to make a bed
to make a bee-line
to make a bet
to make a bloomer
to make a bogeyman out of
to make a bolt for
to make a bull
to make a call on
to make a career change
to make a clean sweep of
to make a comment to the effec
to make a complaint
to make a complaint (about)
to make a compromise
to make a confirmed reservatio
to make a contract
to make a courtesy call on sb.
to make a critical study of st
to make a decision
to make a declaration of inten
to make a defeaning noise
to make a detour
to make a diagnosis
to make a diagnosis
to make a din
to make a draft on
to make a draft on
to make a find
to make a find
to make a fool of oneself
to make a fool of oneself
to make a fortune
to make a fuss about
to make a gesture
to make a good (initial) impre
to make a good bargain
to make a good deal
to make a good job of it
to make a good save
to make a good time
to make a graceful exit
to make a great song and dance
to make a grimace
to make a joke of sth.
to make a journey
to make a killing
to make a killing
to make a leg
to make a long story short
to make a lot of fuss (about)
to make a lot of noise about s
to make a mess
to make a mess
to make a mint (of money)
to make a mistake
to make a mistake
to make a mistake
to make a motion
to make a mountain out of a mo
to make a neat copy
to make a niche for oneself
to make a noise
to make a noise in the world
to make a note of
to make a note of sth. in the
to make a pass at sb.
to make a pass
to make a pattern
to make a perfect team
to make a phone call
to make a pile
to make a racket
to make a record
to make a remark (at
to make a report
to make a request
to make a request
to make a reserve for bad debt
to make a resolve to do sth.
to make a rough guess on sth.
to make a row
to make a row
to make a run on the shops
to make a sales presentation
to make a sally
to make a scathing attack on s
to make a show of
to make a slip
to make a slip (of the tongue)
to make a slip of the pen
to make a solidarity contribut
to make a speech on
to make a start on sth.
to make a statement
to make a statement on sth.
to make a statement to the pre
to make a statement
to make a substitution
to make a suggestion
to make a suggestion to sb.
to make a tack towards land
Antwort in: 0.491 s