ha Übersetzung - Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch
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woerterbuch Englisch - Deutsch

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t distribution ...tackled ...Take my advice! ...
taking up ...tangent key ...tapered ...
tarnished ...tawdry ...tea clock ...
teaspoon ...telecopier ...Tell him to begone! ...
tenacious ...tent square ...terminology ...
test force ...tetrahedron ...That is the way to eventual su ...
the Catholic Church ...The Geneva Treaty ...The novel is set in ... ...
the song of songs ...theatre ticket ...there ...
They help each other. ...third ...thoroughgoing ...
three-bay ...throttles ...thundercloud ...
tidings ...tilted out ...Times have changed. ...
tip of the root ...to (de)flocculate ...to acquire a liking for sth. ...
to affirm ...to annul ...to ask the way ...
to back away (from) ...to be a Pollyanna ...to be below the detection limi ...
to be enclosed ...to be in bad fettle ...to be nice-looking ...
to be pregnant ...to be sure ...to be yellow carded by the ref ...
to beguile ...to bleed ...to bottom out ...
to bring sb. before ...to bustle about ...to care for ...
to challenge ...to cite ...to coil ...
to communicate ...to conjugate ...to cool ...
to create demand ...to cut ...to decry ...
to denounce ...to dial-in ...to discriminate (from) ...
to disuse ...to drag ...to dubbin ...
to embrace ...to enrage ...to examine ...
to fabricate ...to feel pity for sth. ...to fish dry ...
to flutter a kiss ...to fractionate ...to gauge ...
to get out ...to give sb. a dressing-down ...to go bang ...
to go to the movies (pictures) ...to grow old ...to haul off ...
to have no illusions about ... ...to hire ...to hunt the thimble ...
to incense ...to inspire ...to irradiate ...
to keep away ...to lacerate ...to lease (from) ...
to line up ...to loosen ...to make a trick ...
to make up your mind ...to melt away ...to model ...
to naturalize ...to okay ...to overexercise ...
to parcel out ...to peculate ...to pillage ...
to pluck ...to pre-empt ...to produce ...
to pull over ...to put into words ...to quench ...
to re-equip ...to reclaim ...to refer back to ...
to release ...to report ...to retain ...
to rip open ...to run after ...to save the day for sb. ...
to scuff ...to separate ...to shed tears over sth. ...
to shun ...to slant ...to snap back ...
to spark ...to spy out ...to start to function ...
to stop dead ...to stumble ...to surrender to the hardships ...
to take a dog for a walk ...to take sth. under advisement ...to telecontrol ...
to tick over ...to trail ...to troop up ...
to typify sth. ...to untack ...to view sth.-look at sth. with ...
to watch like a hawk ...to wind up ...to write off ...
toggling ...tongued and grooved ...top ...
tops ...torturing ...toughened glass ...
townscape ...tracks ...traffic announcements ...
trained ...transaction record ...transformer ...
transmitter masts ...trap ...traversed ...
tree frogs ...Triangulum Australe ...trim ...
triumvirate ...trough plane ...trustier ...
Tucuman Amazon ...turbines ...turning back ...
twaddled ...two and a half ...type of stud hole ...
tyre ...
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