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English - German
English - Czech
From : english
to : german

Dictionary english - german

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

he-she recovershe-she rehearseshe-she relied
he-she relieshe-she remains silenthe-she repels
he-she reportshe-she reproacheshe-she requests
he-she resellshe-she resignshe-she resigns
he-she resistshe-she resowshe-she retrenches
he-she rhymeshe-she rideshe-she rings
he-she rompshe-she rowshe-she rubs with ointment
he-she ruleshe-she ruleshe-she rules
he-she sacrificeshe-she saltshe-she salvages
he-she sands offhe-she sat downhe-she says (saith
he-she scaldshe-she scoldshe-she screams
he-she scrubshe-she searcheshe-she seeks
he-she seeshe-she sellshe-she sends
he-she sends outhe-she sensitizedhe-she sensitizes
he-she serves a sentencehe-she setshe-she settles
he-she sews uphe-she shakeshe-she shears
he-she shins uphe-she shitshe-she shocks
he-she shootshe-she showshe-she shows off
he-she shutshe-she singshe-she sinks
he-she sitshe-she sits downhe-she sizes
he-she skieshe-she skipshe-she skulks
he-she slamshe-she sleepwalkshe-she slips
he-she smuggleshe-she sneezeshe-she snores
he-she snubshe-she soakshe-she sorts
he-she sowshe-she spadeshe-she spares
he-she speaks broken ...he-she specifieshe-she spends
he-she spinshe-she spitshe-she springs
he-she sprinkleshe-she squatshe-she squeals
he-she stammershe-she standshe-she stands about
he-she stands uphe-she startles easilyhe-she startles
he-she startshe-she stayshe-she stays
he-she stealshe-she steershe-she stems
he-she stepshe-she steps outhe-she sticks on
he-she stipulateshe-she stitcheshe-she strangles
he-she stresseshe-she strewshe-she strides
he-she strikeshe-she strikeshe-she strips
he-she striveshe-she striveshe-she struggles
he-she studieshe-she stuttershe-she subsidizes
he-she suckshe-she suffershe-she suffocates
he-she suffocateshe-she sunbatheshe-she suns himeself-herself
he-she supposeshe-she surfshe-she swabs
he-she swearshe-she sweepshe-she swims
he-she swingshe-she synchronizeshe-she tabulates
he-she tagshe-she takes frighthe-she takes off
he-she takes overhe-she teacheshe-she tears
he-she tears aparthe-she tellshe-she tells all
he-she testifieshe-she testshe-she thinks
he-she thinkshe-she threatenshe-she threshes
he-she throwshe-she thrustshe-she tousles
he-she transfershe-she transfixeshe-she travels
he-she trawlshe-she treadshe-she treats
he-she trieshe-she tunes uphe-she turns
he-she turnshe-she turns backhe-she turns pale
he-she undertakeshe-she uneartheshe-she unlocks
he-she unpackshe-she vacationedhe-she vacuum-cleans
he-she vanisheshe-she varnisheshe-she vends
he-she visitshe-she wakes (up)he-she wakes
he-she walks alonghe-she wangleshe-she wants
he-she warnshe-she was canonizedhe-she was confused
he-she was elevated to sainthohe-she was embarrassedhe-she was late
he-she was mistakenhe-she washeshe-she watches television
he-she weakenshe-she wearshe-she weaves
he-she weepshe-she weighshe-she welds
he-she wetshe-she whistleshe-she wins
he-she wisheshe-she withdrawshe-she witnesses
he-she would needhe-she wrestleshe-she wrings
he-she writeshe-she writes down
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