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I admit
I admit there are people who .
I agree in principle.
I always feel funny after a lo
I am (awfully) sorry.
I am afraid that ...
I am after a topical book. Is
I am all run down.
I am all set.
I am an American (a Canadian
I am an American (a Canadian
I am awfully sorry.
I am careful to point out that
I am cold
I am cold.
I am concerned about it.
I am concerned to hear that...
I am deeply distressed.
I am drowned
I am drunk.
I am fond of reading.
I am full (up).
I am game for a bike ride.
I am glad.
I am grinding teeth when I am
I am hurt.
I am ill.
I am interested in
I am late
I am not doing it by choice, b
I am not getting involved in t
I am OK.
I am perfectly aware of the fa
I am please to share that ...
I am quite ready.
I am seeking-looking to make a
I am sorry.
I am tasked with
I am the right person to talk
I am totally exhausted.
I am warm.
I am writing to ...
I am, it is true, his father .
I appreciate the fact that ...
I arranged it in advance.
I ask myself why
I asked his advice.
I assume that these facts are
I bake
I barely know her.
I bear
I became engaged
I became familiar with him.
I become
I become anxious.
I become engaged
I beg to differ.
I beg to differ.
I beg to inform you ...
I beg your pardon!
I beg your pardon
I begin
I believe I can afford to let
I blow
I bombed out with her.
I call the shots!
I called at your house.
I can be contacted at home.
I can be reached after 5 p.m.
I can be reached on my mobile-
I can do it by myself.
I can do it on my head.
I can do that standing on my h
I can do that with both hands
I can fully understand that.
I can give no such undertaking
I can hardly believe it.
I can ill afford it.
I can make nothing of it.
I can manage with less.
I can smell the gumleaves.
I can take it.
I can tell you a thing or two
I can understand your feelings
I cannot bear him.
I cannot but ...
I cannot keep up.
I cannot make head or tail of
I carried my point.
I chanced to hear it.
I chanced to meet her.
I could have cried.
I could see it coming.
I count on you.
I count on you.
I cross my heart and hope to d
I dare say ...
I dare say
I dare you!
I dare you!
I defy anyone to do it.
I defy you to do it.
I denied myself
I did it at his suggestion.
I did it on my own responsibil
I do not trust him to keep a b
I doubt
I doubt
I drummed it into him that ...
I earn more money now.
I encountered various problems
I enjoyed my supper.
I envy your calm.
I escaped by the skin of my te
I expect he will come.
I fail to see ...
I fail to see what you mean.
I failed the test.
I fancy that city.
I fancy the idea of doing ...
I fancy the idea.
I feel a sensation of being wa
I feel faint with hunger.
I feel ill.
I feel it is appropriate ...
I feel like a babe in the wood
I feel like a fifth wheel.
I feel lousy.
I feel OK.
I feel sick.
I feel tired out.
I feel uneasy about it
I feel uneasy.
I feel used.
I feel warm.
I felt hot all over.
I felt impelled to say it.
I felt very uncomfortable.
I find this impossible to unde
I finished reading the book la
I for one.
I forgot about it.
I gained a lot from it.
I gather that ...
I get a kick out of it.
I get good vibes from her.
I get it.
I get the creeps.
I give thanks for the great ti
I give up!
I give up.
I go for a swim.
I go home.
I go to the pictures.
I got goose pimples.
I got soaked to the skin.
I got the shivers.
I got to know about it only ye
I gritted my teeth and said no
I guess ...
I guess so!
I H8 U : I hate you.
I had a job to do it.
I had expected better of it.
I had heard nothing of it unti
I had her sit down.
I had it done.
I had it on the tip of my tong
I had my first mountain experi
I had no appreciation of the r
I had nothing to do with it.
I had to be very persuasive.
I had to meet him, of all peop
I had to swallow a lot.
I had to swallow hard.
I hang out with my friends.
I happened to meet him.
I happened to meet him.
I hardly knew her.
I hate you!
I have a bone to pick with you
I have a cold.
I have a computer problem. Is
I have a day off.
I have a dodgy leg.
I have a gripe about the servi
I have a hangover.
I have a memory like a sieve.
I have a mind to ...
I have a notion that ...
I have a room of my own.
I have been wishing for a lott
I have been wishing for this f
I have cheered up from yesterd
I have committed to work on it
I have found that ...
I have found your support inva
I have goose-pimples.
I have got an idea.
I have had enough of your nons
Answer in: 1.591 s