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I want to run my own life.
I want to see you soon.
I want to tell you the truth.
I want to watch my favourite T
I was afraid he would put his
I was amazed to find out that
I was apt to believe him until
I was bitten by a dog.
I was bored stiff.
I was born in 1964.
I was born in Dresden.
I was called for ...
I was completely browned off.
I was completely poleaxed when
I was cordially received.
I was delayed by the rain.
I was embarrassed by this ques
I was first exposed ...
I was ill at ease.
I was just about to leave.
I was just about to leave.
I was just thinking aloud.
I was just wondering.
I was laid low with the flu.
I was lucky.
I was not born yesterday.
I was on pins and needles.
I was only joking.
I was only listening with half
I was overcome with fear.
I was properly scared and no m
I was quite disconcerted to re
I was staggered.
I was terribly bored.
I was truly grateful.
I was wondering ...
I was wondering if you could .
I wash my hands of it.
I wash my hands.
I washed myself.
I went shopping.
I will call a spade a spade.
I will come along.
I will inform you.
I will make ends meet.
I will take care of everything
I will take good care not to d
I will talk her into it.
I wish for a world in which no
I wish he would come.
I wish I could stay.
I wish to thank you for ...
I wish you were here.
I wonder if he still knows me.
I wonder if you would tell me
I wonder what the reason may b
I wonder who he is.
I wonder why!
I worked like an animal.
I would be delighted to ...
I would be grateful if you cou
I would give that man the shir
I would go even further.
I would like to be a fly on th
I would never entertain the id
I would rather ...
I would rather die than ...
I would rather wait.
I would really appreciate that
I would second that ....
I-he-she abnegated
I-he-she abolished
I-he-she absorbed
I-he-she accepted
I-he-she achieved
I-he-she acknowledged
I-he-she acquired
I-he-she administered
I-he-she admitted
I-he-she admonished
I-he-she adopted
I-he-she adored
I-he-she advertised
I-he-she advised
I-he-she affirmed
I-he-she agitated
I-he-she alleged
I-he-she allowed
I-he-she annotated
I-he-she annulled
I-he-she answered
I-he-she applied
I-he-she applied
I-he-she appliqued
I-he-she appreciated
I-he-she approved
I-he-she argued
I-he-she argued
I-he-she arraigned
I-he-she arrogated
I-he-she asked
I-he-she attacked
I-he-she attracted
I-he-she avoided
I-he-she avoided
I-he-she awoke
I-he-she baffled
I-he-she baked
I-he-she banished
I-he-she bartered away
I-he-she bashed
I-he-she bathed
I-he-she beat
I-he-she became
I-he-she began
I-he-she begged
I-he-she behaved
I-he-she believed
I-he-she belted
I-he-she bemused
I-he-she bent
I-he-she bent
I-he-she bespoke
I-he-she bestrode
I-he-she bet
I-he-she betrayed
I-he-she bit
I-he-she bit through
I-he-she bivouacked
I-he-she bled
I-he-she bled to death
I-he-she blew
I-he-she boozed
I-he-she bought
I-he-she bound
I-he-she braided
I-he-she brandished
I-he-she bred
I-he-she broke off
I-he-she brought
I-he-she built
I-he-she buried
I-he-she calculated
I-he-she called
I-he-she called
I-he-she calmed
I-he-she came out
I-he-she camped
I-he-she caricatured
I-he-she carried
I-he-she carved
I-he-she cast
I-he-she caught
I-he-she caught a cold
I-he-she caulked
I-he-she ceased
I-he-she celebrated
I-he-she certified
I-he-she cheated
I-he-she chimed
I-he-she chopped
I-he-she chose
I-he-she chose
I-he-she chucked
I-he-she cited
I-he-she climbed
I-he-she climbed
I-he-she closed
I-he-she closed
I-he-she commercialized
I-he-she compared
I-he-she compelled
I-he-she confirmed
I-he-she confronted
I-he-she confused
I-he-she congratulated
I-he-she conjectured
I-he-she conjured
I-he-she connected
I-he-she considered
I-he-she consolidated
I-he-she consulted
I-he-she continued
I-he-she contributed
I-he-she convalesced
I-he-she cooked
I-he-she copied
I-he-she counted
I-he-she counterfeited
I-he-she cowered
I-he-she crawled
I-he-she created
I-he-she crept
I-he-she crested
I-he-she cried
I-he-she crocheted
I-he-she crossed through
I-he-she cycled
I-he-she damaged
I-he-she danced
Answer in: 0.452 s