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ombudsmanombudsman of the German parliaOmega
omenOMG : Oh my god!Omicron
omnibus orderomnibus volumeomnidirectional
omnidirectionalomnidirectional lightsomnidirectional microphone
omnidirectional microphonesomnidirectional radio beaconomnipotence of God
omnipresenceomnipresence of beingomnipresence of God
omniscienceomniscientlyomnium gatherum
omnium insuranceomnivoreomnivores
omphaciteOmsk (city in Russia)on
on (purely) legalistic groundson a business tripon a commission basis
on a daily basison a given dayon a joint basis
on a large scaleon a large scaleon a large scale
on a level withon a par (with)on a random basis
on a regular cycleon a regular salaryon a rotating basis
on a royalties basison a scale of 1:100on a secret mission
on a self-employed basison a shoestringon a slope
on a small scaleon a small scaleon a small-scale
on a sudden impulseon a technical scaleon account
on account ofon account of his sisteron all sides
on an averageon an equal footing (with sb.)on an even keel
on an even keelon an unprecedented scaleon and off
on and onon approvalon approval
on arrivalon arrivalon autopilot
on balanceon balanceOn balance, it was a success.
on behalf ofon behalf ofon behalf of my friend
on behalf of the clienton behalf ofon behoof
on boardon both countson both sides
on both sideson bowing termson business
on callon charteron commission
on completion of all formalition completion of the courseon completion of the sale
on conditionon consignmenton credit
on cueon deckon demand
on dutyon duty, in chargeon earth
on easy termson endon equal terms
on every matteron favourable termson firm ground
on Fridayson good authorityon grade
on handon her accounton her behoof
on her parton his first sea voyageon his part
on his righton historical groundon horseback
on instructionon leaveon leave
on leaving the countryon match dayson Mondays
on my birthdayOn my oath!on my part
on my return to ...on no accounton occasion
on one sideon our accounton our part
on principleon probationon procedural grounds
on receipton receipt of goodson record
on recordon reefson reflection
on requeston Saturdayson second thought
on several occasionson shipboardon shore
on short waveon special offeron sufferance
on SundayOn Sunday it will be cloudy wion Sundays
on suspicionon taking up officeon tap
on tapeon targeton television
on that occasionon that scoreon the alert
on the alerton the basis ofon the beam
on the borderon the coaston the contrary
on the crookon the debit sideon the discharge side
on the domestic fronton the first flooron the first floor
on the flyon the game
Answer in: 0.766 s