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Translation of the word: Orange

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  english    german
  Orange {f} [Süddt.] [Ös.] [Schw.]
       Apfelsine {f} [Norddt.] [Mitteldt.] [bot.] [cook.]
  Orange {n} (Farbe)
  Orangenbaum {m} [bot.]
  orange blossom
  Orangenblüte {f}
  Orange Bullfinch
  Goldrückengimpel {m} [ornith.]
  orange butterfly
  Kleins Falterfisch {m} (Chaetodon kleinii) [zool.]
  Orange Chat
  Goldstirn-Trugschmätzer {m} [ornith.]
  orange cookies
  Orangengebäck {n} [cook.]
  Orange Cuckoo Shrike
  Goldraupenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  orange damsel
  Dreifleck-Demoiselle {f}
       Gelber Gregor {m} (Stegates planifrons) [zool.]
  orange domino (damsel)
       three-spot damsel
  Dreifleck-Preußenfisch {m} (Dascyllus trimaculatus) [zool.]
  Orange Dove
  Orangetaube {f} [ornith.]
  orange finned loach
  Grüne Schmerle {f} (Botia modesta) [zool.]
  Orange Ground Thrush
  Gurneydrossel {f} [ornith.]
  orange juice
  Orangensaft {m}
       Apfelsinensaft {m} [cook.]
  orange liqueur
  Orangenlikör {m} [cook.]
  orange marked goby
  Querstreifen-Grundel {f} (Amblygobius decussatus) [zool.]
  Orange Oriole
  Goldtrupial [ornith.]
  orange peel
  Orangenschale {f}
       Apfelsinenschale {f} [cook.]
  orange peel construction
       petal leaf construction
  Orangeschnitt {m} (Isolierung) [mach.]
  Orange Pekoe -OP-
  eine Teesorte
  orange skunk (anemone) clown
  Orange-Anemonenfisch {m} (Amphiprion sandaracinos) [zool.]
  orange spot watchman goby
  Gepunktete Partnergrundel {f} (Amblyeleotris guttata) [zool.]
  orange spotted blenny
  (Istiblennius chrysospilos) [zool.]
  orange stripe watchman goby
  Randalls Partnergrundel {f} (Amblyeleotris randalli) [zool.]
  Orange Weaver
  Königsweber {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-backed Woodpecker
  Reinwardtspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-banded Flycatcher
  Orangebandtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-banded Ground Thrush
  Timordrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-barred Willow Warbler
  Goldbinden-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Antbird
  Orangenbauch-Ameisenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Euphonia
  Gelbbauchorganist {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
  Orangenbauch-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Fruit Dove
  Orangebauch-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Leafbird
  Orangebauch-Blattvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Nightingale Thrush
  Goldschnabel-Musendrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Parrot
  Goldbauchsittich {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-bellied Trogon
  Goldbauchtrogon {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-billed Sparrow
  Goldschnabel-Ruderammer {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Bunting
  Orangeblaufink {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Falcon
  Rotbrustfalke {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Fig Parrot
  Orangebrust-Zwergpapagei {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Flycatcher
  Spiegelschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
  Bindengrüntaube {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Honeyeater
  Orangebrust-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Rockjumper
  Orangebrust-Felsenspringer {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Sunbird
  Goldbrust-Nektarvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-breasted Trogon
  Orangebrusttrogon {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-cheeked Honeyeater
  Goldwangen-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-cheeked Parrot
  Goldwangenpapagei {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-cheeked Waxbill
  Orangebäckchen {n} [ornith.]
  Orange-chinned Parakeet
  Tovisittich {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-crested Flycatcher
  Goldscheiteltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-crested Manakin
  Orangescheitelpipra [ornith.]
  Orange-crowned Euphonia
  Orangescheitelorganist {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-crowned Oriole
  Orangekopftrupial [ornith.]
  Orange-crowned Warbler
  Orangefleck-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-eared Tanager
  Braunohr-Bunttangare {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-footed Scrub Fowl
  Reinwardthuhn {n} [ornith.]
  Orange-fronted Barbet
  Weißnacken-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-fronted Conure
  Elfenbeinsittich {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-fronted Fruit Dove
  Goldstirn-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-fronted Hanging Parrot
  Goldstirnpapageichen {n} [ornith.]
  Orange-fronted Plushcrown
  Goldschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-fronted Yellow Finch
  Zwergsafranammer {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-gorgetted Flycatcher
  Zimtkehlschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-headed Ground Thrush
  Damadrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-headed Tanager
  Orangekopftangare {f} [ornith.]
  orange-peel glaze
  Kunstglasur {f} mit Nadelstichen
  orange-peel texture
  Orangenschalenstruktur {f}
  orangerot {adj}
  Orange-spotted Bulbul
  Goldzügelbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Orange-tailed Shama
  Feuerschwanzschama [ornith.]
  Orange-throated Sunangel
  Orangekehl-Sonnennymphe {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-throated Tanager
  Veilchenschultertangare {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-winged Amazon
  Venezuelaamazone {f} [ornith.]
  Orange-winged Pytilia
  Wienerastrild {m} [ornith.]
       orangefarben {adj}
  Orangeade {f} [cook.]
  Braunlätzchen {n} [ornith.]
  Orangerie {f}
  Orangen {pl}
       Apfelsinen {pl}
  orangetail blue damsel
  (männlicher) Saphir-Riffbarsch {m} (Chrysiptera cyanea) [zool.]
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