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English - German
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to :
Dictionary english - german
to parcel out
to parch
to pardon
to pardon
to pare
to pare
to pare back
to pare down (expenses)
to pare down (personnel)
to pare down sth. to the minim
to parent sb.
to parenthesize
to park
to park
to park contrary to-against th
to park funds (deposit them te
to park wrongly
to parlay
to parley
to parody
to parody
to parole
to parquet
to parrot
to parry
to parse
to parse
to part
to part
to part (from)
to part (with)
to part from so.
to part on amicable terms
to part with sth.
to part
to partake (of)
to partake (of)
to participate
to participate (in)
to participate in a fair
to particularize
to particularize
to partition
to partition
to partition off
to party
to pass
to pass
to pass
to pass (the exam)
to pass (through)
to pass (to)
to pass a bill
to pass a dividend
to pass a law
to pass a sentence
to pass a ship through a lock
to pass an act
to pass an interlocutory decis
to pass away
to pass back
to pass by
to pass each other
to pass for
to pass forward
to pass in
to pass in mourning
to pass in review
to pass into other hands
to pass judgement (on)
to pass off
to pass on
to pass on
to pass out
to pass over
to pass sentence
to pass sentence on
to pass sth. on
to pass the ball to sb.
to pass the buck
to pass the night
to pass through
to pass through
to pass through a crisis
to pass through
to pass through
to pass to account
to pass water
to pass
to pass
to passivate
to passivate
to paste
to paste (into)
to paste into
to paste over
to paste up
to pasteurize
to pasture
to pasture
to pasture
to pat
to patch
to patch
to patch
to patch
to patch up
to patch up
to patent
to patent
to patrol
to patronize
to patronize
to patronize
to patronize sb.
to patronize
to patter
to patter
to pattern
to pattern
to pattern oneself on sb.
to pauperize
to pauperize
to pause
to pause
to pause for breath
to pause for effect
to pause
to pave
to pave the way for ...
to pave the way for eventual m
to pave the way
to paw
to paw at sb.
to paw at sth.
to paw the ground
to pawn
to pay
to pay (a sum)
to pay 500 Euros back tax
to pay a deposit on sth.
to pay a deposit on sth.
to pay a fee
to pay a fee
to pay a lump sum for
to pay a salary
to pay a visit to sb.
to pay all charges incurred
to pay all costs incurred
to pay another 20 pounds
to pay any charges for unloadi
to pay any expenses whatsoever
to pay at the till
to pay attention
to pay attention to stretch
to pay back
to pay back
to pay by (in) instalments
to pay by cheque
to pay by standing order (from
to pay cash
to pay compensation
to pay court to
to pay customs
to pay damages
to pay damages
to pay duty
to pay duty on
to pay for
to pay for a round (of drinks)
to pay in
to pay in addition
to pay in advance
to pay in kind
to pay interest on
to pay later
to pay like with like
to pay lip service
to pay money into an account
to pay off
to pay off
to pay off
to pay off a debt
to pay off old scores
to pay on account
to pay out
to pay sb. a compliment
to pay sb. back in the same co
to pay sb. back
to pay the piper
to pay the rest
to pay through the nose
to pay tribute to sb.
to pay up
to peach
to peach on
to peak
to peal
to peck
to peculate
Answer in: 0.474 s