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Dictionary english - german
to separate
to separate
to separate
to sepulchre
to sequence
to sequester
to sequestrate
to serialize
to serialize
to sericitize
to sermonize
to serpentinize
to serrate
to serve
to serve
to serve
to serve (as proof)
to serve (as)
to serve (at table)
to serve a sentence
to serve for sth.
to serve in the army
to serve on the jury
to serve out
to serve sb.
to serve the purpose
to service
to service
to service sb.
to set
to set
to set
to set
to set (concrete)
to set (into)
to set a bad example for sb.
to set a brisk pace
to set a clock
to set a flat rate for
to set a fox to keep the geese
to set a good example
to set a precedent
to set a trend
to set about
to set about doing sth.
to set about
to set against
to set an example
to set an example
to set aside (temporarily)
to set at nought
to set back
to set back
to set back sb.
to set costs off against tax
to set course for
to set fire to
to set in
to set limits to
to set no great store by
to set off
to set off
to set off (against)
to set off for France
to set oneself up as a lawyer
to set out
to set out
to set out (for)
to set out for England
to set right
to set sail
to set sb. off doing sth.
to set sb. off laughing-crying
to set sb. on the wrong track
to set sb. thinking
to set sth. into sth.
to set sth. off (against)
to set sth. off against sth.
to set sth. on fire
to set the ball rolling
to set the pace
to set the pace (for)
to set the prices
to set the record straight
to set the table
to set to music
to set to work
to set tongues wagging
to set up
to set up
to set up
to set up a map
to set up conference drinks
to set up home on their own
to set upright
to set
to set
to set
to set
to set
to set
to settle
to settle
to settle
to settle a dispute
to settle an invoice
to settle by dicing
to settle down
to settle down
to settle down
to settle down (in)
to settle for
to settle in
to settle out
to settle out of court
to settle sth.
to settle sth.
to settle
to settle
to settle
to sever
to sever
to sew on
to sew on
to sew up
to sew up
to sew
to sex
to sextuple
to shack
to shack up with sb.
to shade
to shade
to shade
to shade
to shade
to shade (from)
to shade off
to shade
to shadow
to shadow
to shadow forth
to shadow out
to shag
to shake a leg
to shake a leg
to shake a leg
to shake like a leaf
to shake off
to shake off the yoke
to shake out
to shake out
to shake the foundations (of s
to shake up
to shake up
to shake up (a company)
to shake up
to shake with cold
to shake with laughter
to shake
to shake
to shake
to shakedown
to sham
to shamble
to shame oneself
to shame sb.
to shampoo
to shanghai
to shape
to shape
to shape up well
to shape up
to shape
to share
to share a flat with several o
to share in
to sharpen
to sharpen
to sharpen (by hammering out i
to sharpen
to sharply rebuff sb.
to shatter
to shatter
to shatter
to shatter
to shatter (hopes)
to shave off
to shave
to shave
to shear
to shear off
to shear
to sheath
to sheathe
to sheathe
to sheathe
to sheave
to shed blood
to shed particles
Answer in: 0.475 s