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Dictionary english - german
to spy out
to spy the land
to spy
to squabble
to squabble
to squall
to squall
to squall in pain
to squander
to squander
to squander away
to square
to square
to square
to square
to square (the ball) to so.
to square (with)
to square a figure
to square off
to square
to squash
to squat
to squat
to squat down
to squat down
to squat in a house
to squat
to squawk
to squawk
to squawk
to squeak
to squeal
to squeal
to squeeze
to squeeze
to squeeze off
to squeeze out
to squeeze out
to squeeze out
to squeeze the orange dry
to squeeze through
to squeeze
to squelch
to squelch
to squiggle
to squint
to squint
to squint against the sun
to squire
to squirm
to squirm
to squirm and writhe
to squirt
to squish
to stab
to stab sb. (in the neck) with
to stab so.
to stab so. with a knife
to stab to death
to stabilize a patient on a dr
to stabilize
to stack
to stack up
to staff
to staff
to stag
to stage sth.
to stage
to stagger
to stagger
to stagger sb.
to stagnate
to stain
to stain
to stain
to stain
to stain
to stake
to stake a claim
to stake out a claim
to stake
to stalemate
to stalk
to stalk
to stalk
to stalk
to stall
to stall
to stall
to staminate
to stammer
to stamp
to stamp
to stamp
to stamp
to stamp in
to stamp out
to stamp the ground
to stamp
to stampede
to stampede
to stand
to stand a beer
to stand a round
to stand a test
to stand a test
to stand about
to stand above sth.
to stand alone
to stand aloof from the others
to stand aside
to stand at attention
to stand at the bar
to stand at-by the window
to stand back
to stand between the sticks
to stand by
to stand by sb.
to stand by sb.
to stand by
to stand close beside sb.
to stand comparison with
to stand convicted
to stand down
to stand down in favour of a p
to stand down
to stand facing one another
to stand fast
to stand firm
to stand firm on sth.
to stand for
to stand for
to stand gaping
to stand idle
to stand in (for sb.)
to stand in a line
to stand in a queue
to stand in a ring
to stand in a row
to stand in for sb.
to stand in front of the house
to stand in line
to stand on
to stand on guard
to stand on the edge of a prec
to stand open
to stand or fall
to stand out (from
to stand riveted to the spot
to stand sb. up
to stand sb. up
to stand still
to stand surety (for sb.)
to stand surety for so.
to stand the test
to stand there
to stand there
to stand together
to stand up
to stand up for
to stand up for so.
to stand up for
to stand up to a test
to stand up to so.
to stand up to sth.
to stand
to stand
to stand
to standardize
to standardize
to staple
to starch
to stare
to stare at sb. with a fixed g
to stare into space
to start
to start
to start
to start
to start
to start (for)
to start (out) from the fact-i
to start (pick) a quarrel with
to start a car
to start a fight with sb.
to start a fire
to start a motor
to start an argument
to start an argument (with)
to start college
to start from scratch
to start from the beginning
to start learning
to start negotiations with sb.
to start on sth.
to start over
to start running out of time
to start talking
to start to decay
to start to flap
Answer in: 1.008 s