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Dictionary english - german
to telecontrol
to telecopy
to telediagnose
to telegraph
to teleguide
to telemeter
to telemonitor
to teleprint
to teleprocess
to telescope
to televise
to tell a joke
to tell a lie
to tell a long rigmarole
to tell a person lies
to tell a tale
to tell all
to tell off
to tell off
to tell sb. a tale
to tell sb. about sth.
to tell sb. sth. outright
to tell sb. what they want to
to tell somebody (about) the f
to tell the truth
to tell the truth
to tell
to temper
to temper
to temper
to temper
to temper the wind to the shor
to temporize
to temporize
to tempt
to tempt
to tend
to tend
to tender
to tenderize
to tense
to tergiversate
to term
to terminate
to terminate (a contract)
to terrace
to terrorize
to tessellate
to test
to test (for)
to test sb.-sth. for sth.
to test the waters
to testdrive a vehicle
to testify
to tether up (an animal)
to text
to thank
to thank
to thank so.
to that effect
to thatch a roof
to thaw
to the
to the alert eye it will becom
to the best of my belief
To the best of my recollection
To the best of my remembrance
to the bitter end
to the cheers of (the crowd)
to the core
to the detriment of
to the disadvantage of
to the extent
To the ladies!
to the left
to the left
to the left of
to the main stress on sth.
to the point
to the prejudice of sb.
to the right
to the right
to the right of
to the same extent
to the south of
to the split second
to the surprise of all
to the tick
to theorize
to thicken
to thicken
to thicken
to thieve
to thin
to thin out
to thin
to think
to think a lot of oneself
to think about sth.
to think ahead
to think aloud
to think back
to think clear
to think dismal thoughts
to think gloomy thoughts
to think it best
to think much of sb.
to think of
to think of each other
to think oneself back (to)
to think oneself safe
to think only of oneself
to think over
to think sth. up
to think sth.-sb. is good
to think up
to think up an excuse
to think
to think
to think
to think
to thirst
to thirst for blood
to thirst for sth.
to thrash
to thrash sb.
to thrash soundly
to thread
to thread
to thread sth. (on sth.)
to threaten (with)
to threaten suicide
to thresh
to thresh out
to thrill
to thrill
to thrive
to thrive
to throb
to throng
to throttle
to throttle
to throw (stump) sb.
to throw a sop to sb.
to throw a spanner in the work
to throw away
to throw away
to throw away
to throw back
to throw caution to the winds
to throw down
to throw in
to throw in
to throw in the towel
to throw in the towel
to throw into a dither
to throw light on
to throw light on sth. (on the
to throw missiles on to the pi
to throw off the hump
to throw oneself at sb.
to throw out
to throw out the baby with the
to throw over
to throw over
to throw pearls before swine
to throw sb. on the scrap heap
to throw sth. overboard
to throw stones around
to throw together
to throw up
to throw up
to throw up
to throw
to throw
to throw
to throw
to throwback
to thrum
to thrust aside
to thrust oneself upon sb.
to thrust out
to thrust out
to thrust past
to thrust
to thud
to thumb through
to thump
to thump
to thump (at
to thump around
to thunder
to thwack
to thwart
to thwart
to thwart
to tick
to tick
to tick off
to tick off
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