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The Geneva Treatythe genocide committed by the the gentle sex
the genuinethe German administered part othe German international team
the German Navythe Germanic peoplethe ghost of a chance
the gift of the gabthe gift of tonguesthe gist of the matter
the glare of the sunthe GodheadThe Golden Goose
the golden meanthe golden sectionThe Government found itself at
the grass rootsthe gravity of the situationthe Great
the Great Bearthe Great Beltthe greatest writer alive
the greenhouse effect and its the grim actualities of prisonthe grim Reaper
the Grimm brothersthe guilty personThe gun is capable of firing 6
the habitual place of work (ofThe Hague (city in the NetherlThe hail pelted against the wi
The hall seats 400.the happeningsthe hard of hearing
The headline caught my eye thithe heavy timesthe height of cheek
the here and nowthe hiddenthe higher echelons
the Himalayasthe Holocaustthe holy grail
the Holy Scripturethe Holy Seethe Holy Trinity
the homelessThe hopes placed in him were nThe hotel room has a trousers
the hustle and bustle of the cThe ice on the lake has meltedThe idea just occurred to me.
The idea suggests itself.the idle richthe illegal entrants
the Immaculate Conceptionthe Immaculate Conceptionthe immediate environs of ...
the immediate familythe immortal lifethe incidence of accidents (on
The increase in profit has reathe incumbent mayorthe infant Jesus
The infantry have taken the brthe infelicity of the expressiThe inner city was designated-
the Inner Hebridesthe insaneThe instant I saw her ...
the Irishthe Irishthe Iron Curtain countries
The irritating thing is that..The issue is not germane to thThe items are manufactured ent
the Ivy Leaguethe Jewish questionThe jig is up.
The journey is scheduled to laThe judge sentenced him to thrThe judgement is subject to ap
the jurythe Kattegatthe key to the mystery
the Krautsthe ladder of successThe lake is two miles off.
the land of opportunityThe largest party will appointthe last but one
the last danceThe last straw that breaks thethe latest craze
the latest newsthe latest scandalthe latest thing
the latest trendThe laugh is always on the losThe laundry is machine washabl
the Lawthe Leaning Tower of PisaThe lease was prematurely term
The lease was prematurely termthe left-hand lanethe legal heirs
The lemonade has lost its fizzThe leopard cannot change his the lesser of the two evils
The letter reads as follows.The library lends books.The Life and Death of King Ric
The Life and Death of King RicThe line is busy (engaged).the litigants
the Little Bearthe livingThe longer the speech, the les
The Lord be with you.the Lord Godthe lower depths
the lower limbsThe luck has turned.The machine runs on AC.
the magnificencethe Maid of OrleansThe main parts were well cast.
The main problem is ...the main thing is to be up theThe majority of the villagers
the man and his wifethe man that said to methe manager at that time
The Manifesto of the CommunistThe material will be used for the matter came to the attenti
The matter has resolved itselfThe matter has sorted itself oThe matter is this ...
The matter is under consideratthe matter itselfthe maximum penalty
the maximum possible assistancThe meal was not exactly inspithe measure of all things
The meeting was turbulent.The merchant of Venicethe merest hint of ...
The Merry WidowThe Merry Wives of Windsorthe met office
the metric system of measuremethe Middle Eastthe middlemen
The mistake is mine.the mobthe Mob
The moon is waning.The moon subtends an angle of The Moor has done his duty, th
the more so asthe morning afterthe morning after the night be
the most mysteriousthe mostThe mother has been granted pa
The motion was defeated.The movie is coming soon to yothe multiple
The murder is out.The museum will be opened on sthe mysteriousness
The name is a guarantee of quaThe name is but sound and smokThe name of ... was mentioned
the NativityThe nays have it.The negotiations must be an op
the Netherlands (nl)The new website needs getting the new woman
the newthe newly-formed German statesthe newly-weds
The news is good.The news is important.The news made me jump.
The news spread like wildfire.the next but onethe next but one
the next daythe next of kinthe next time
the night before lastThe noes have it.the Nordic Countries
The Northern Crown (Coronae Bothe noughties
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