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Dictionary english - german
to be pregnant
to be prejudiced
to be prejudiced against
to be premised on sth.
to be prepared (to)
to be prepared for
to be present
to be present
to be present
to be preserved
to be pressed for money
to be pressed for space
to be pressed for time
to be pressed for time
to be privy to a sight
to be privy to sth.
to be proactive
to be probative
to be prodigal with sth.
to be profitable
to be profligate of sth.
to be promiscuous
to be promoted
to be promoted
to be prone to do sth.
to be prone to sth.
to be proper for
to be protected
to be proud of
to be proud of the achieved re
to be put in
to be put on record
to be put on the spot
to be put out
to be put under requisition
to be puzzled about sth.
to be qualified (for)
to be quick on the uptake
to be quits with so.
to be radioactive
to be rained out
to be raring to do sth.
to be raring to go
to be rather hazy about
to be ready to depart
to be ready to leave
to be ready
to be ready
to be reasonable
to be received
to be recognizable
to be red carded by the refere
to be reduced to starvation
to be reducible to
to be referred to
to be reflected
to be reflected (in)
to be regaled (by)
to be regenerated
to be rejected
to be related to sth.
to be released
to be released from custody
to be released
to be relegated
to be relegated to the second
to be reliant on
to be relieved (at)
to be reminiscent of sth.
to be repetitive
to be reported
to be reported missing
to be required to do sth.
to be required to refrain from
to be reserved
to be resplendent
to be responsible for
to be responsible for themselv
to be rested
to be revealed to sb.
to be revealing about
to be rid of so.-sth.
to be riding (along) on the cr
to be rife
to be right
to be right
to be rolling drunk
to be roused
to be ruined
to be ruinous to sth.
to be ruled
to be ruled by jealousy
to be ruled out
to be running
to be rutting
to be saddled with sth.
to be safe
to be safe from sb.
to be said
to be satisfied with
to be saved by the bell
to be scorching
to be seasick
to be seated
to be second to none
to be self-adjusting
to be self-adjusting
to be self-correcting
to be self-denying
to be self-deprecating
to be self-fulfilling
to be sensible enough to do st
to be sensible of
to be sent off
to be sent packing
to be sent to Coventry
to be sent to jail
to be separated
to be serious about doing sth.
to be set doing sth.
to be settled
to be sexist
to be shaken to its foundation
to be shiny
to be shocked
to be shocked
to be shocked
to be shorn of sth.
to be short of money
to be short-circuited
to be shown to be in the wrong
to be shrink-proof
to be shy (of
to be shy
to be sick (and tired) of sth.
to be sick of sth.
to be signed
to be sincere about sth.
to be slightly off-topic
to be slippery as an eel
to be slope
to be sloshed
to be slow on the uptake
to be smashed
to be smitten with
to be snookered
to be snooze
to be snowed in
to be so far along that ...
to be sold
to be sold down the river
to be solicitous about sth.
to be soppy on sb.
to be sore
to be sorry
to be sorted
to be sparing with sth.
to be spawled (over)
to be specked
to be specked with blood
to be stacked against sb.
to be stale
to be standing in a suspicious
to be startled at sth.
to be stationary
to be still in its infancy
to be still in the competition
to be still
to be strapped (for cash)
to be streaked
to be street-smart
to be striking for sth.
to be struck all of a heap
to be struck dumb
to be strung to breaking point
to be stubborn
to be stuck
to be stuck up
to be stuck
to be stunned
to be stunned at-by sth.
to be subject to
to be subject to censorship
to be subject to change
to be subjected to
to be subjected to changing te
to be subjected to high temper
to be subjected to tension
to be submerged in water
to be subordinate to
to be subordinate to sb.-sth.
to be substantiated
to be successful
to be suggestive of sth.
to be suitable (for sb.)
to be suitable for sth.
to be supected
to be superfluous
to be superior in numbers
to be supposed to
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