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Dictionary english - german
to bottom out
to bottom up
to boulder
to bounce
to bounce
to bounce
to bounce (cheque-check)
to bounce back
to bounce back
to bounce back
to bounce off (waves)
to bound
to bound
to bow
to bow out
to bow to
to bow to necessity
to bow to the inevitable
to bowdlerize
to bowl
to bowl
to bowl over
to bowl over
to box
to box
to box the ears
to boycot
to brace
to brace
to brace for sth.
to brace up
to bracket
to brag (about)
to braid
to brain
to brain up sth.
to brainwash sb.
to braise
to brake
to brake hard
to branch
to branch
to branch backward
to branch off
to brand
to brand
to brand as a heretic
to brandish
to brattice off
to brave
to brave
to brawl
to brawl
to brawl
to bray
to bray
to braze
to braze on
to breach
to breach (a contract)
to break (off) an engagement
to break (up) with sb.
to break a complex task into s
to break a habit
to break a rule
to break a stereotype
to break away (from)
to break away (from)
to break away from the parenta
to break away
to break dance
to break down
to break down
to break down
to break down
to break down
to break down
to break down
to break even
to break forth
to break fresh ground
to break fresh ground
to break ground
to break in
to break in on sb.
to break in two
to break in
to break into a gallop
to break into a smile
to break loose
to break off
to break off
to break off
to break off
to break off a conversation
to break off diplomatic relati
to break off from work
to break off in mid-sentence
to break off relations with sb
to break off
to break on the wheel
to break open
to break open
to break open
to break out
to break out (from
to break out in a sweat
to break out in spots
to break surface (submarine)
to break the ice
to break the news to sb.
to break the reform log-jam
to break the rules
to break through
to break to pieces
to break up
to break up
to break up
to break up
to break up
to break up
to break up
to break up class routine
to break up with sb.
to break with conventions
to break
to break
to break
to break
to breakfast
to breaking point
to breast (out)
to breast the waves
to breast-feed
to breathe
to breathe
to breathe again
to breathe fire and brimstone
to breathe in
to breathe on
to breathe out
to breathe stertorously
to breed
to breed
to breeze
to breeze
to breeze through
to brew
to brew
to brew
to brew
to bribe
to bridge
to bridge a gulf
to bridge the gap between ...
to bridge
to bridle
to bridle
to bridle (at)
to brief
to brief
to brief
to brief
to brief so.
to brighten
to brim
to brim over
to brim over
to bring (to)
to bring a charge (against)
to bring a charge against sb.
to bring about
to bring about
to bring about
to bring along
to bring along
to bring back memories
to bring back
to bring behind bars
to bring claims or legal proce
to bring down
to bring down
to bring down to a common deno
to bring down to a common deno
to bring forward
to bring forward a motion
to bring forward
to bring in
to bring in
to bring in an accusation
to bring in line
to bring into accordance
to bring into service
to bring it down
to bring oneself to do sth.
to bring out
to bring out the main points
to bring over
to bring round
to bring round
Answer in: 0.466 s