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Dictionary english - german
to keep away
to keep back
to keep bad company
to keep books
to keep bright and healthy
to keep clean
to keep cool
to keep discipline
to keep early hours
to keep fit
to keep free
to keep goal
to keep going in the same dire
to keep hens
to keep house
to keep house
to keep imprisoned
to keep in check
to keep in contact with sb.
to keep in good repair
to keep in leading-strings
to keep in line
to keep in practice
to keep in the dark
to keep in touch
to keep in with sb.
to keep it private
to keep late hours
to keep lookout
to keep money in the bank
to keep on talking
to keep on
to keep open
to keep order
to keep out (of)
to keep safe
to keep sb. alive
to keep sb. clued up
to keep sb. in ignorance of st
to keep sb. in leading strings
to keep sb. informed
to keep sb. on the backburner
to keep sb. under observation
to keep secret
to keep secrets from sb.
to keep separate
to keep shut
to keep so. in the loop
to keep sth. going , keep goin
to keep sth. in mind
to keep sth. in mind
to keep sth. running
to keep sth. safe
to keep still
to keep still
to keep still
to keep straight on
to keep tab on
to keep the ball
to keep the ball moving
to keep the minutes
to keep the proper distance
to keep the show rolling
to keep the wolf from the door
to keep things to oneself
to keep time
to keep to the right
to keep track (of)
to keep track of
to keep track of costs
to keep track of sth.
to keep under control
to keep up
to keep up (with)
to keep up appearances
to keep up
to keep up
to keep vigil (over sb.)
to keep warm
to keep watch
to keep within (reasonable) li
to keep
to keep
to keep
to keep
to keep
to keep
to keep
to kennel
to key
to key
to kibble
to kibosh
to kick
to kick
to kick
to kick
to kick (horse)
to kick in (door)
to kick off
to kick off
to kick out
to kick over the traces
to kick sb.
to kick sb. in the shin
to kick the ball around
to kick the bucket
to kick up a fuss
to kick up a row
to kid
to kidnap
to kidnap sb.
to kill
to kill
to kill game
to kill off (jobs)
to kill off (weeds)
to kill time
to kill two birds with one sto
to kill
to kindle
to kindle
to kindle
to kink
to kip
to kipper
to kiss
to kiss ass
to kiss the cup
to kite
to knead
to knead
to knead (into)
to kneel
to knight
to knight sb.
to knit two plain, two purl
to knit
to knock (at)
to knock at
to knock at the door
to knock back
to knock down
to knock down
to knock flying
to knock off
to knock off
to knock off sb.
to knock off
to knock on wood
to knock over
to knock over
to knock over
to knock over
to knock sb. out
to knock sb. up
to knock together
to knock up a woman
to knockabout
to knot
to knot
to knot
to knot
to knot
to knot
to know about life
to know for certain that ...
to know from hearsay
to know in advance
to know inside out
to know no pity
to know sb. by sight
to know sb. personally
to know sb. slightly
to know sth. by heart
to know the place
to know the ropes
to know the ropes
to know what one is doing
to know
to know
to knuckle down (to it)
to knuckle down to it
to knuckle under (to sb.)
to knurl
to kock off
to kock up
to kowtow (to sb.)
to label
to label
to label sb. as
to labour along
to labour
to labour
to lace
to lace
to lace
to lace a drink
to lace oneself up
to lace up
Answer in: 0.497 s