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Dictionary english - german
to lease (from)
to lease out (to)
to leave
to leave
to leave (as security)
to leave (the country)
to leave a firm
to leave a lasting impression
to leave a margin
to leave a message
to leave a problem (on one sid
to leave a scar
to leave a wound unattended
to leave alone
to leave alone
to leave behind
to leave behind
to leave blank
to leave for good
to leave land fallow
to leave little to be desired
to leave much to be desired
to leave no doubt
to leave on
to leave open
to leave out
to leave sb. a legacy of sth.
to leave sb. alone
to leave sb. in the lurch
to leave sb. in the lurch
to leave sb. unattended
to leave sb. untouched
to leave slightly open
to leave sth. behind
to leave sth. out of considera
to leave sth. to chance
to leave sth. unattended
to leave sth.
to leave the country
to leave the peas to soak over
to leave the ship
to leave undone
to leave
to leave
to leave
to leaven
to lecture
to lecture on
to leech
to leer (at)
to leer (at)
to legalize
to legislate
to legitimize
to legitimize
to lend a hand
to lend and borrow
to lend on pawn
to lend out
to lend
to lend
to lengthen
to lessen
to let a business deal go
to let a machine idle
to let a matter rest
to let alone
to let an opportunity pass by
to let away
to let bygones be bygones
to let down
to let drop
to let go
to let in
to let know
to let off
to let off
to let off
to let oneself ...
to let oneself go
to let out
to let out a yell
to let pass
to let repair (by)
to let rest
to let rooms
to let sb. down
to let sb. go first
to let sb. know
to let sb. out on parole
to let some air in
to let sth. alone
to let sth. be known
to let sth. go
to let sth. go
to let sth. go
to let sth. on a lease
to let sth. show
to let sth. slide
to let sth. work in
to let the body go limp
to let the genie out of the bo
to let things drift
to let things slide
to let you know
to let
to let
to letter a book
to level
to level
to level (at
to level down
to level off
to level off (at)
to level out
to level out
to level to the ground
to level up
to lever
to lever
to leverage
to leverage sth.
to levitate
to levitate
to levy
to levy (an army)
to levy (tax)
to levy a duty
to levy tax on sth.
to liaise
to libel
to liberalize
to liberate
to liberate
to license
to license
to lick
to lick off
to lick out (of)
to lick sb. into shape
to lie about
to lie ahead
to lie at anchor
to lie awake
to lie dormant
to lie fallow
to lie flat (against)
to lie in ambush
to lie in storehouse
to lie in wait (for)
to lie inbetween
to lie motionless
to lie next to each other
to lie on top of each other
to lie prone
to lie quiet
to lie spread-eagled
to lie to
to lie to so.
to lie uncomfortably
to lie unconscious
to lie under a tree
to lie underneath
to lie
to lift
to lift
to lift
to lift
to lift (up)
to lift a load
to lift down
to lift off
to lift out
to lift the alcohol ban
to lift the receiver
to ligate
to light a cigarette
to light a fire
to light a match
to light up
to light
to light
to light
to lighten
to lighten
to lighten
to like sb.-sth.
to like to do sth.
to like to munch on pizza
to liken
to lilt
to limber up
to lime
to limit (to)
to limp
to line
to line
to line
to line a brake
to line dance
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