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Translation of the word: favour

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  english    german
  favourable balance
  Aktivbilanz {f}
       günstige Bilanz {f} [fin.]
  favourable price
  günstiger Preis
       favorable [Am.]
       günstig {adj}
       favorable [Am.]
       günstig {adj}
       favorably [Am.]
  gefällig {adv}
  favourite book
       favorite book
  Lieblingsbuch {n}
  favourite books
       favorite books
  Lieblingsbücher {pl}
  favourite dish
       favourite food [Br.]
       favorite dish
       favorite food [Am.]
  Lieblingsessen {n}
       Lieblingsgericht {n}
       Lieblingsspeise {f}
       Leibgericht {n}
  favourite dishes
       favorite dishes
  Lieblingsessen {pl}
       Lieblingsgerichte {pl}
       Lieblingsspeisen {pl}
       Leibgerichte {pl}
  favourite drink
  Lieblingsgetränk {n}
  favourite drinks
  Lieblingsgetränke {pl}
  favourite film
       favorite movie
  Lieblingsfilm {m}
  favourite films
       favorite movies
  Lieblingsfilmen {pl}
  favourite programme [Br.]
       favorite program [Am.]
  Lieblingssendung {f}
  favourite programmes
       favorite programs
  Lieblingssendungen {pl}
  favourite pub
  Stammlokal {n}
  favourite pubs
  Stammlokale {pl}
  favourite subject
  Lieblingsfach {n}
  favourite subjects
  Lieblingsfächer {pl}
  favourite teacher
  Lieblingslehrer {m}
       Lieblingslehrerin {f}
  favourite teachers
  Lieblingslehrer {pl}
       Lieblingslehrerinnen {pl}
  favourite word [Br.]
       favorite word [Am.]
  Lieblingswort {n}
  favourite words
       favorite words
  Lieblingswörter {pl}
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Terms found: 23
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