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Translation of the word: grape

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  english    german
  Weinbeere {f}
       Weintraube {f} [bot.] [cook.]
  grape gathering
       grape harvest
       grape harvesting
  Weinlese {f}
  grape gatherings
  Weinlesen {pl}
  grape hyacinth
  Traubenhyazinthe {f} [bot.]
  grape hyacinths
  Traubenhyazinthen {pl}
  grape juice
  Most {m}
       Traubenmost {m}
  grape juice
  Traubensaft {m} [cook.]
  grape pie
  Weintraubenkuchen {m} [cook.]
  grape sugar
  Traubenzucker {m}
  grape vine
  Weinrebe {f}
  grape vines
  Weinreben {pl}
  Grapefruit {f}
       Pampelmuse {f} [bot.] [cook.]
  grapefruit juice
  Grapefruitsaft {m}
       Pampelmusensaft {m} [cook.]
  Grapefruits {pl}
       Pampelmusen {pl}
  Weinbeeren {pl}
       Weintrauben {pl}
  Weinstock {m}
  grapevine [coll.]
  inoffizielle Weitergabe von Nachrichten
  Weinstöcke {pl}
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