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Translation of the word: grey

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  english    german
  Grey & Brown Laughing Thrush
  Schieferhäherling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey & Buff Woodpecker
  Kurzschwanzspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey & Gold Tanager
  Palmertangare {f} [ornith.]
  Grey & Gold Warbler
  Feenwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey & White Tyrannulet
  Graustirnelaenie {f} [ornith.]
  Grey & Whithe Warbling Finch
  Schwarzwangen-Ammerfink {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Antbird
  Aschkopf-Ameisenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Antwren
  Buntflügel-Ameisenschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Apalis
  Graurücken-Feinsänger {m} [ornith.]
  grey area [Br.]
       gray area [Am.]
  Grauzone {f}
  grey areas
       gray areas
  Grauzonen {pl}
  grey board
  Graukarton {m}
  Grey Bushchat
  Grauschmätzer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Butcher Bird
  Graurücken-Würgatzel [ornith.]
  Grey Cisticola
  Rotschwanz-Cistensänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Crow
  Greisenkrähe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Currawong
  Rußwürgerkrähe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Elaenia
  Graukopfelaenie {f} [ornith.]
  grey fabric
  Rohgewebe {n} [textil.]
  Grey Falcon
  Silberfalke {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Flycatcher
  Beifußtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Flyeater
  Weißbürzelgerygone {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Frog Hawk
  Froschsperber {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Grass Wren
  Brauengrasschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Ground Thrush
  Ghanadrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Gull
  Graumöwe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Hawk
  Zweibindenbussard {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
  Graureiher {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Honeyeater
  Grauhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Hypocolius
  Seidenwürger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Imperial Pigeon
  Pickeringfruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Jay
  Meisenhäher {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Jungle-fowl
  Sonnerathuhn {n} [ornith.]
  Grey Kestrel
  Graufalke {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Kingbird
  Grautyrann {m} [ornith.]
  grey level [Br.]
       gray level [Am.]
  Graustufe {f}
  grey levels
       gray levels
  Graustufen {pl}
  Grey Longbill
  Einfarb-Bülbülgrasmücke {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Moluccan Collared Sparrow Hawk
  Rotnackensperber {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Monjita
  Bartmonjita [ornith.]
  grey nomad
  reisender Rentner
  Grey Olive Greenbul
  Fahlbauchbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Parrot
  Graupapagei {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix)
  Rebhuhn {n} [ornith.]
  Grey Pelican
  Graupelikan {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
  Thorshühnchen {n} [ornith.]
  Grey Plantain-eater
  Schwarzschwanz-Lärmvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
  Kiebitzregenpfeifer {m} [ornith.]
  grey salt pelite
  grauer Salzton
  grey seal
  Kegelrobbe {f} [zool.]
  grey seals
  Kegelrobben {pl}
  Grey Seedeater
  Einfarbpfäffchen {n} [ornith.]
  Grey Shearwater
  Grausturmvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Shrike-Thrush
  Graubrust-Dickkopf {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Sibia
  Grautimalie {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Silky Flycatcher
  Grauseidenschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  grey squirrel
  Grauhörnchen {n} [zool.]
  grey squirrels
  Grauhörnchen {pl}
  Grey Starling
  Weißwangenstar {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Tailor Bird
  Grauschneidervogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Teal
  Weißkehlente {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Thicket Flycatcher
  Fahlbauch-Dickichtschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Thrasher
  Grauspottdrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Tinamou
  Tao {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Tit Flycatcher
  Meisenschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  grey tone
       grey value [Br.]
       gray tone
       gray value [Am.]
  Grauwert {m}
  grey tones
       grey values
       gray tones
       gray values
  Grauwerte {pl}
  Grey Trembler
  Martiniquespottdrossel {f} [ornith.]
  grey value filter [Br.]
       gray value filter [Am.]
  Grauwertfilter {m}
  grey value filters
       gray value filters
  Grauwertfilter {pl}
  grey value image [Br.]
       gray value image [Am.]
  Grauwertbild {n}
  grey value images
       gray value images
  Grauwertbilder {pl}
  Grey Vireo
  Grauvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)
  Gebirgsstelze {f} [ornith.]
  Grey Whistler
  Graudickkopf {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Woodpecker
  Graubrustspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Wren
  Grauzaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
  Grey Wren Warbler
  Somalibindensänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Camaroptera
  Meckergrasmücke {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Fiscal
  Graumantelwürger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Hawk
  Graurückenbussard {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Shearwater
  Graumantel-Sturmtaucher {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark
  Graurückenlerche {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Storm Petrel
  Graurücken-Sturmschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed Tachuri
  Silberbrauentyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-backed White-eye
  Graumantel-Brillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-barred Wren
  Graubinden-Zaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Antbird
  Weißwangen-Ameisenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Bulbul
  Graubauchbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Goshawk
  Graubauchhabicht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Ground Warbler
  Olivscheiteltesia [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Honeyeater
  Graubauch-Pfriemschnabel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Shrike Tyrant
  Weißbrauen-Würgertyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-bellied Spinetail
  Graubauchschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-billed Comet
  Graubauchsylphe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Babbler
  Graubrust-Zweigtimalie {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Crake
  Amazonasralle {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Flowerpecker
  Graubrust-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Flycatcher
  Graubrusttyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Ground Dove
  Graubrusttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Martin
  Graubrustschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan
  Blautukan {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Rufous Fantail
  Graubrust-Fächerschwanz {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Sabrewing
  Graubrust-Degenflügel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Seed Snipe
  Graubrust-Höhenläufer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Spiderhunter
  Graubrust-Spinnenjäger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Wood Wren
  Einsiedlerzaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-breasted Woodpecker
  Graukehlspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-brown White-eye
  Kittlitzbrillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-capped Cuckoo
  Lansbergkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-capped Flycatcher
  Grauscheiteltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-capped Hemispingus
  Graukappenhemispingus [ornith.]
  Grey-capped Tyrannulet
  Graukappen-Fliegenstecher {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-capped Warbler
  Emnie {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-capped Woodpecker
  Grauscheitelspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-cheeked Bearded Bulbul
  Grauwangenbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-cheeked Flycatcher Warbler
  Grauwangen-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-cheeked Fulvetta
  Grauwangenalcippe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-cheeked Nunlet
  Grauwangen-Faulvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-cheeked Parakeet
  Feuerflügelsittich {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-cheeked Thrush (Catharus minimus)
  Grauwangendrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-chested Greenlet
  Graunackenvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-chested Thrush Babbler
  Graubrust-Drosseltimalie {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-chinned Hermit
  Graukinneremit {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-collared Becard
  Glanzkopfbekarde {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-collared Oriole
  Forstenpirol {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crested Finch
  Grauhauben-Zwergkardinal {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crested Helmet Shrike
  Grauschopf-Brillenwürger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Babbler
  Grauscheitelsäbler {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Flycatcher
  Schieferkopf-Breitschnabel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Greenbul
  Grauscheitelbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Negro Finch
  Graunackenschwärzling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Oxylabes
  Grauscheitelfoditany {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Palm Tanager
  Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Parrotbill
  Przewalskipapageimeise {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Woodpecker
  Graukappenspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-crowned Yellowthroat
  Wiesengelbkehlchen {n} [ornith.]
  Grey-eyed Bulbul
  Grauaugenbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-faced Buzzard Eagle
  Kiefernteesa [ornith.]
  Grey-faced Quail Dove
  Gundlachtaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-faced Thick-billed Gr. Pigeon
  Graumaskentaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-faced Willow Warbler
  Graukehl-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-faced Woodpecker
       grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus)
  Grauspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-flanked Cinclodes
  Grauflanken-Uferwipper {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-fronted Dove
  Rotachseltaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-fronted Honeyeater
  Marmorhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-green Bush Shrike
  Bocagewürger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-green Fruti Dove
  Tahitifruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-green Sericornis
  Arfaksericornis [ornith.]
  graugrünlich {adj}
  Grey-headed Albatross
  Graukopfalbatros {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Antbird
  Graukopf-Ameisenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Batis
  Heuglinschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Bearded Bulbul
  Schwefelbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Bristle-Bill
  Graukopfbleda [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Broadbill
  Graukopf-Breitrachen {n} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Bulbul
  Graukopfbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Bush Shrike
  Graukopfwürger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher
  Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Chachalaca
  Graukopfguan {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Dove
  Bonapartetaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Fishing Eagle
  Graukopf-Seeadler {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Flycatcher Warbler
  Graukopf-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Fruit Dove
  Blaukopf-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Greenbul
  Goldbauchbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Greenlet
  Graukappenvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Gull
  Graukopfmöwe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Honeyeater
  Grauscheitel-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Junco
  Graukopfjunko [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Kingfisher
  Graukopfliest [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Kite
  Cayenneweih {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Lapwing
  Graukopfkiebitz {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Lovebird
  Grauköpfchen {n} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Mannikin
  Graukopfnonne {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Olive-back
  Weißwangenastrild {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Parrotbill
  Graukopf-Papageimeise {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Silverbill
  Graukopf-Silberschnabel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Social Weaver
  Marmorspätzling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Sparrow
  Graukopfsperling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Spinetail
  Graukopfschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Tanager
  Graukopftangare {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Thicket Robin
  Graukopf-Dickichtschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Thrush
  Kastaniendrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Tody Flycatcher
  Graukopf-Spateltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Tree Babbler
  Graukopf-Buschtimalie {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Warbler
  Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-headed Zone-tailed Pigeon
  Rotflanken-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded Attila
  Graukopfattila [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded Bunting
  Bandammer {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded Bush Tanager
  Graukopf-Buschtangare {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded Flycatcher
  Graukopf-Pipratyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded Manakin
       Gray-headed Piprites
  Graukopfpiprites [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded Sierra Finch
  Kordillerenämmerling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-hooded White-eye
  Pinaiabrillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-legged Tinamou
  Graufußtinamu {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-mantled Wren
  Graumantel-Zaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-naped Antpitta
  Graunacken-Ameisenpitta [ornith.]
  Grey-necked Bald Crow
  Buntkopf-Felshüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-necked Bunting
  Steinortolan [ornith.]
  Grey-necked Fruit Pigeon
  Hufeisen-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-necked Honeyeater
  Seramlederkopf {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-necked Wood Rail
  Cayenneralle {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-rumped Swallow
  Graubürzelschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-rumped Swift
  Graubürzelsegler {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-rumped Swiftlet
  Mauritiussalangane {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-sided Laughing Thrush
  Grauflankenhäherling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-streaked Flycatcher
  Strichelschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Graustreifenfrankolin {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-tailed Mountain Gem
  Grauschwanznymphe {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-tailed Piha
  Grauschwanzpiha [ornith.]
  Grey-tailed Tattler
  Grauschwanz-Wasserläufer {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Antvireo
  Grauwürgerling {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Barbet
  Trauerbartvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Chat
  Graukehlgranatellus [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Flycatcher
  Graukehlschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Leafscraper
  Graukehl-Laubwender {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Rail
  Augenralle {f} [ornith.]
  Grey-throated Warbler
  Graukehl-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-winged Akelat
  Grauflügelrötel {m} [ornith.]
  Grey-winged Blackbird
  Bülbülamsel [ornith.]
  Grey-winged Cotinga
  Grauflügelkotinga [ornith.]
  Grey-winged Inca Finch
  Grauflügelammer {f} [ornith.]
  Graubart {m} (alter Mann)
  greyed out
  Greyhound {m}
       eine Windhund-Art [zool.]
  greying out
  Greyish Miner
  Grauerdhacker {m} [ornith.]
  Greyish Mourner
  Graurhytipterna [ornith.]
  Greyish Piculet
  Braunrücken-Zwergspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Greyish Saltator
  Grausaltator [ornith.]
  Greylag Goose (Anser anser)
  Graugans {f} [ornith.]
  Graustufen {pl}
       grey water
  Grauwasser {n}
       Abwasser aus Haushalten
  Greywing Francolin
  Grauflügelfrankolin {m} [ornith.]
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