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Translation of the word: instrument

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  english    german
  Wertpapier {n}
       Handelspapier {n}
  Instrument {n}
       Werkzeug {n}
       Gerät {n}
       Apparat {m}
  instrument cabinet
  Instrumentenschrank {m}
  instrument cabinets
  Instrumentenschränke {pl}
  instrument calibration
  Kalibrierung der Geräte
  instrument case
  Instrumentenkoffer {m}
       Instrumentenkasten {m} [mus.]
  instrument cases
  Instrumentenkoffer {pl}
       Instrumentenkästen {pl}
  instrument chamber
       mechanical room
  Gerätekammer {f}
  instrument chambers
       mechanical rooms
  Gerätekammern {pl}
  instrument cluster
  Kombi-Instrument {n}
  instrument housing
  Instrumentenkasten {m} [mus.]
  instrument housings
  Instrumentenkästen {pl}
  instrument landing system -ILS-
  Instrumentenlandesystem {n} [aviat.]
  instrument nozzle
  Kontrollstutzen {m} (Messung) [mach.]
  instrument nozzles
  Kontrollstutzen {pl}
  instrument of accession
  Beitrittsurkunde {f}
  instrument of power
  Machtmittel {n}
  instrument of torture
       torture device
  Folterinstrument {n}
       Foltergerät {n}
  instrument pack
  Instrumentenblock {m}
  instrument panel
  Instrumententafel {f}
  instrument panel
  Armaturentafel {f}
  instrument panels
  Instrumententafeln {pl}
  instrument panels
  Armaturentafeln {pl}
  instrument rack
  Reglergestell {n}
  instrument to order
       order instrument
       order paper
  Orderpapier {n}
  instrument transformer
  Messwandler {m}
  instrument transformers
  Messwandler {pl}
  instrumentell {adj}
  instrumental case
  Instrumental {n}
       fünfter Fall
  instrumental music
  Instrumentalmusik {f} [mus.]
  behilflich {adj}
  Vermittlung {f}
  behilflich {adv}
  Instrumentation {f}
  Geräteausstattung {f}
  Instrumentierung {f}
  Instrumentation & Control
  Messen und Regeln
  instrumentation and control package (I & C package)
  Leittechnik {f} (als Lieferanteil) [mach.]
  Instrumente {pl}
       Werkzeuge {pl}
       Geräte {pl}
       Apparate {pl}
  Instrumentarium {n}
  instruments and measurements
  Geräte- und Messwesen {n}
  instruments of accession
  Beitrittsurkunden {pl}
  instruments of power
  Machtmittel {pl}
  instruments of torture
       torture devices
  Folterinstrumente {pl}
       Foltergeräte {pl}
  instruments to order
       order instruments
       order papers
  Orderpapiere {pl}
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