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Translation of the word: learning

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  english    german
  Bildung {f}
  Lernen {n}
       Erlernen {n}
  Wissen {n}
       Gelehrsamkeit {f}
  learning ability
  Lernfähigkeit {f}
  learning achievement
  Lernleistung {f}
  learning aid
  Lernhilfe {f}
  learning aids
  Lernhilfen {pl}
  learning behaviour
  Lernverhalten {n}
  learning center
       center of learning
  Bildungszentrum {n}
  learning centers
       centers of learning
  Bildungszentren {pl}
  learning difficulties
  Lernschwierigkeiten {pl}
  learning difficulty
  Lernschwierigkeit {f}
  learning disabilities
  Lernstörungen {pl}
  learning disability
  Lernstörung {f}
  learning from
  learning material
  Lernmaterial {n}
  learning method
       learning style
  Lernmethode {f}
  learning methods
       learning styles
  Lernmethoden {pl}
  learning path
  Lernpfad {m}
  learning paths
  Lernpfade {pl}
  learning process
  Lernprozess {m}
  learning processes
  Lernprozesse {pl}
  learning situation
  Lernsituation {f}
  learning situations
  Lernsituationen {pl}
You can find more information to learning here:
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