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Translation of the word: mushroom

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  english    german
  Pilz {m}
       Schwammerl {n}
       Schwamm {m} [Ös.] (essbar) [biol.] [cook.]
  Champignon {m}
  mushroom (polyp)
  Scheibenanemone {f} (Discosoma spp.) [zool.]
  mushroom and spinach strudel
  Pilz-Spinat Strudel {m} [cook.]
  mushroom cloud
  Atompilz {m}
  mushroom cloud
  Rauchpilz {m}
  mushroom clouds
  Rauchpilze {pl}
  mushroom clouds
  Atompilze {pl}
  mushroom coral
       toadstool (leather) coral
  Pilzlederkoralle {f} (Sarcophyton spp.) [zool.]
  mushroom poisoning
  Pilzvergiftung {f} [med.]
  mushroom poisonings
  Pilzvergiftungen {pl}
  mushroom roof
  Pilzdach {n} [arch.]
  mushroom slab
       mushroomed floor slab
  Pilzdecke {f}
  mushroom-type collector
  Auffangpilz {m}
  mushroom-type collectors
  Auffangpilze {pl}
  Champignons {pl}
  Pilze {pl}
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