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Translation of the word: oil

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  english    german
  Mineralöl {n}
  Öl {n}
  oil auxiliary firing
       oil back-up firing
       oil supplementary firing
  Ölstützfeuerung {f} [mach.]
  oil bath
  Ölbad {n}
  oil burner
  Ölbrenner {m}
  oil burning installation
  Ölfeuerungsanlage {f}
  oil burning installations
  Ölfeuerungsanlagen {pl}
  oil change
       changing of oil
  Ölwechsel {m}
  oil circuit
  Ölkreislauf {m}
  oil circuits
  Ölkreisläufe {pl}
  oil collector
  Ölkollektor {m}
  oil collectors
  Ölkollektoren {pl}
  oil cooler
  Ölkühler {m}
  oil coolers
  Ölkühler {pl}
  oil crises
  Ölkrisen {pl}
  oil crisis
  Ölkrise {f}
  oil damage
  Beschädigung {f} durch Öl
  oil deflector
       oil ring
  Ölabstreifer {m} [techn.]
  oil deflectors
       oil rings
  Ölabstreifer {pl}
  oil deposit
  Öllagerstätte {f}
  oil deposit
       oil occurrence
       oil basin
  Erdölvorkommen {n}
  oil deposits
  Öllagerstätten {pl}
  oil derrick
  Erdölbohrturm {m}
  oil derricks
  Erdölbohrtürme {pl}
  oil diffusion pump
  Öldiffusionspumpe {f} [techn.]
  oil dipstick
  Ölmessstab {m}
  oil dipsticks
  Ölmessstäbe {pl}
  oil discharge screw
       oil drain plug
       sump drain plug
  Ölablassschraube {f} [techn.]
  oil discharge screws
       oil drain plugs
       sump drain plugs
  Ölablassschrauben {pl}
  oil drilling
       drilling for oil
  Ölbohrung {f}
  oil exudation
  Ausschwitzung von Erdöl
  oil field steam flooding
       oil reservoir steam flooding
  Lagerstättenbedampfung {f} (Öl)
  oil field
       gas field
  Bohrfeld {n}
  oil field
       petroleum deposit
       oil pool
       oil sheet
  Erdöllagerstätte {f} [min.]
  oil field
       petroleum field
       oil producing formation
  Erdölfeld {n}
  oil fields
       gas fields
  Bohrfelder {pl}
  oil fields
       petroleum deposits
       oil pools
       oil sheets
  Erdöllagerstätten {pl}
  oil fields
       petroleum fields
       oil producing formations
  Erdölfelder {pl}
  oil filler cap
  Öldeckel {m}
  oil filler caps
  Öldeckel {pl}
  oil filling screw
  Öleinfüllschraube {f} [techn.]
  oil filling screws
  Öleinfüllschrauben {pl}
  oil filter
  Ölfilter {m}
  oil filters
  Ölfilter {pl}
  oil flex cable
  oil flex drum
  Ölflextrommel {f}
  oil flex drums
  Ölflextrommeln {pl}
  oil gallery
  Ölverteilung {f}
  oil gauge
  Ölstandsanzeiger {m}
       Ölmesser {m} [techn.]
  oil gauge
       oil pressure gauge
  Öldruckanzeige {f} [techn.]
  oil gauges
  Ölstandsanzeiger {pl}
       Ölmesser {pl}
  oil gland
  Bürzeldrüse {f}
  oil heating
  Ölheizung {f}
  oil heatings
  Ölheizungen {pl}
  oil indication
  Erdölanzeichen {n} [min.]
  oil industry
       petroleum industry
  Erdölindustrie {f}
  oil inspection window
  Ölsichtfenster {n} [techn.]
  oil inspection windows
  Ölsichtfenster {pl}
  oil lamp
  Öllampe {f}
  oil lamps
  Öllampen {pl}
  oil leak
  Ölaustritt bei Unfall
  oil level
  Ölstand {m}
  oil level checking screw
       oil level
  Ölstands-Kontrollschraube {f} [techn.]
  oil level checking screws
       oil levels
  Ölstands-Kontrollschrauben {pl}
  oil level indicator
  Ölstandsanzeiger {m} [auto]
  oil level indicator
  Ölstandsglas {n}
       Ölauge {n} [techn.]
  oil level indicators
  Ölstandsanzeiger {pl}
  oil lighting-up system
       oil ignition and back-up firing
  Ölstütz- und Zündfeuerung {f}
  oil line
  Ölleitung {f}
  oil lines
  Ölleitungen {pl}
  oil mist
  Ölnebel {m}
  oil mist generator
  Ölnebelgenerator {m}
  oil mist generators
  Ölnebelgeneratoren {pl}
  oil mist separator
  Ölnebelabscheider {m}
  oil mist separators
  Ölnebelabscheider {pl}
  oil occurrence
  Auftreten von Erdöl
  oil of turpentine
  Terpentinöl {n}
  oil paint
  Ölfarbe {f}
  oil painting
  Ölgemälde {n}
  oil paintings
  Ölgemälde {pl}
  oil paints
  Ölfarben {pl}
  oil pan guard
  Ölwannenschutz {m} [auto]
  oil pan
       oil sump
  Ölwanne {f}
       Ölsumpf {m} [auto]
  oil pans
       oil sumps
  Ölwannen {pl}
  oil pastels
  Ölpastellkreide {f}
  oil pipeline
  Erdölleitung {f}
  oil pipeline
  Ölpipeline {f}
  oil pipelines
  Erdölleitungen {pl}
  oil pipelines
  Ölpipelines {pl}
  oil plant
  Erdölraffinerie {f} [681.2+] [chem.] [techn.]
  oil plants
  Erdölraffinerien {pl}
  oil pollution
  Ölverschmutzung {f}
  oil pollution
       oil spill
       black tide
  Ölpest {f} [ecol.]
  oil pressure switch
  Öldruckschalter {m} [techn.]
  oil pressure switches
  Öldruckschalter {pl}
  oil production
  Erdölförderung {f} [min.]
  oil pump
  Ölpumpe {f}
  oil pumps
  Ölpumpen {pl}
  oil repellence
  Ölabstoßungsvermögen {n}
  oil research
       prospecting for oil
  Erdölsuche {f} [min.]
  oil sand
       oil-impregnated sand
       petroleum tar sand
  Ölsand {m} [geol.]
  oil sandstone
  Ölsandstein {m} [min.]
  oil scraper ring
  Ölabstreifring {m} [techn.]
  oil scraper rings
  Ölabstreifringe {pl}
  oil seal
  Öldichtung {f} [techn.]
  oil seal
  Radialdichtring {f}
  oil seal
       radial shaft seal
  Radialwellendichtring {m}
  oil seal
       shaft seal
  Wellendichtring {m}
  oil seals
  Radialdichtringe {pl}
  oil sheik
       oil sheikh
  Ölscheich {m}
  oil show
       oil indication
       oil trace
  Ölanzeichen {n}
  oil shows
       oil indications
       oil traces
  Ölanzeichen {pl}
  oil silk
  Ölseide {f}
  oil slick
  Ölteppich {m}
  oil slicks
  Ölteppiche {pl}
  oil slip
  Ölentweichen {n}
       Ölaustritt {m}
  oil spill
  Öllache {f}
       Ölteppich {m}
  oil spring
       oil well
  Erdölquelle {f}
  oil spring
       oil well
  Ölquelle {f}
  oil springs
       oil wells
  Erdölquellen {pl}
  oil springs
       oil wells
  Ölquellen {pl}
  oil squash
  Ölkürbis {m} [bot.]
  oil stone
  Ölstein {m}
  oil stones
  Ölsteine {pl}
  oil storer
  erdölspeichernde Schicht
  oil strainer
  Ölsieb {n}
  oil strainers
  Ölsiebe {pl}
  oil syringe
  Ölspritze {f}
  oil syringes
  Ölspritzen {pl}
  oil tank cap
  Öltankverschluss {m}
  oil tank caps
  Öltankverschlüsse {pl}
  oil transfer hose
  Ölübernahmeschlauch {m}
  oil transfer hoses
  Ölübernahmeschläuche {pl}
  oil trap
       oil separator
  Ölabscheider {m} [techn.] [ecol.]
  oil traps
       oil separators
  Ölabscheider {pl}
  oil-bath lubrication
  Ölbadschmierung {f} [techn.]
  ölführend {adj} [geol.]
  ölverseucht {adj}
  oil-contaminated waters
  ölverseuchte Gewässer
  oil-immersed transformer
  Öltransformator {m} [electr.]
  oil-immersed transformers
  Öltransformatoren {pl}
  oil-producing countries
  Erdölförderländer {pl}
  oil-producing country
  Erdölförderland {n}
  ölbeständig {adj}
       mineral oil
       fossil oil
       rock oil
  Erdöl {n}
  Fettschwalm {m} [ornith.]
  Ölkanne {f}
  Ölkannen {pl}
  Wachsleinwand {f}
  Wachstuch {n}
       oil barrel
  Ölfass {n}
       oil barrels
  Ölfässer {pl}
  oiled oneself
  sich eingeölt
  Öler {m}
       oil field
  Ölfeld {n} [min.]
       oil fields
  Ölfelder {pl}
  Fettigkeit {f}
  oiling oneself
  sich einölend
  Ölsamen {m}
  oilseed rape
  Rübsamen {m} [agr.]
  Ölsamen {pl}
  Ölschiefer {m} [geol.]
       oil shale
       petroliferous shale
       bituminous shale
  Ölschiefer {m}
  Ölzeug {n}
       Regenhaut {f}
  Ölfleck {m}
  Ölflecken {pl}
  Abziehstein {m}
       Schleifstein {m}
  Abziehsteine {pl}
  Ölsumpf {m}
       Ölwanne {f}
  Ölkanal {m}
  Ölkanäle {pl}
  ölig {adj}
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