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Translation of the word: shipping

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  english    german
  Versendung {f}
  Schifffahrt {f}
       Schiffahrt {f} [alt]
  shipping address
       delivery address
  Lieferadresse {f}
  shipping addresses
       delivery addresses
  Lieferadressen {pl}
  shipping agent
  Verlader {m}
  shipping agents
  Verlader {pl}
  shipping agreement
  Verladevereinbarung {f}
  shipping agreements
  Verladevereinbarungen {pl}
  shipping company
       shipping line
  Reederei {f}
  shipping department
       dispatch department
  Versandabteilung {f}
  shipping departments
       dispatch departments
  Versandabteilungen {pl}
  shipping document
  Warenbegleitpapiere {pl}
  shipping document
  Verladedokument {n}
  shipping document
  Versandpapier {n}
  shipping documents
  Verladedokumente {pl}
  shipping documents
  Versandpapiere {pl}
  shipping expenses
       forwarding charges
  Versandspesen {pl}
  shipping information
  Lieferinformationen {pl}
       Transportinformationen {pl}
  shipping instruction
  Versandanweisung {f}
  shipping instruction
  Liefervorschrift {f}
  shipping instructions
  Versandanweisungen {pl}
  shipping list
       packing list
  Versandliste {f}
  shipping lists
       packing lists
  Versandlisten {pl}
  shipping marks
  Versandmarkierungen {pl}
  shipping note (s-n)
  Schiffszettel {m}
  shipping space
  Schiffsraum {m}
  shipping spaces
  Schiffsräume {pl}
  shipping traffic
  Schiffsverkehr {m}
       shipping area
  Warenausgang {m}
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