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Translation of the word: swim

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  english    german
  swim bladder
  Schwimmblase {f} [anat.]
  swim bladders
  Schwimmblasen {pl}
  swim goggles
  Schwimmbrillen {pl}
  swim goggles
  Schwimmbrille {f}
  swim school
  Schwimmschule {f}
  swim schools
  Schwimmschulen {pl}
  swim through
  Schwimmer {m}
       Schwimmerin {f} [sport]
  Schwimmer {pl}
       Schwimmerinnen {pl}
  Schwimmen {n} [sport]
  swimming bath
  Schwimmanstalt {f}
  swimming baths
  Schwimmanstalten {pl}
  swimming belt
  Schwimmgürtel {m}
  swimming belts
  Schwimmgürtel {pl}
  swimming bird
  Schwimmvogel {m} [ornith.]
  swimming birds
  Schwimmvögel {pl}
  swimming complex
  Badelandschaft {f}
  swimming complexes
  Badelandschaften {pl}
  swimming contest
  Wettschwimmen {n} [sport]
  swimming contest
       swimming competition
  Schwimmwettbewerb {m} [sport]
  swimming contests
       swimming competitions
  Schwimmwettbewerbe {pl}
  swimming course
       swimming class
  Schwimmkurs {m}
  swimming courses
       swimming classes
  Schwimmkurse {pl}
  swimming instructor
  Schwimmlehrer {m}
       Schwimmlehrerin {f}
  swimming instructors
  Schwimmlehrer {pl}
       Schwimmlehrerinnen {pl}
  swimming layer
  Schwimmschicht {f}
  swimming layers
  Schwimmschichten {pl}
  swimming lessons
       swimming instruction
  Schwimmunterricht {m}
  swimming out out
  swimming pond
  Badesee {m}
  swimming pond
  Badeteich {m}
       Badeweiher {m}
  swimming ponds
  Badeseen {pl}
  swimming ponds
  Badeteiche {pl}
       Badeweiher {pl}
  swimming pool
  Swimming Pool {m} (kleines Schwimmbecken)
  swimming pool with diving board
  Swimming Pool mit Sprungbrett
  swimming pool
       public swimming pool
  Schwimmbad {n}
       Schwimmbecken {n}
  swimming pools
       public swimming pools
  Schwimmbäder {pl}
       Schwimmbecken {pl}
  swimming ring
  Schwimmring {m}
  swimming rings
  Schwimmringe {pl}
  swimming spot
       bathing area
  Badestelle {f}
  swimming spots
       bathing areas
  Badestellen {pl}
  swimming supervisor
  Schwimmmeister {m}
       Schwimmmeisterin {f}
       Schwimmeister {m} [alt]
  swimming supervisors
  Schwimmmeister {pl}
       Schwimmmeisterinnen {pl}
  swimming through
  swimming trunks
  Badehosen {pl}
  swimming trunks
       swim pants
  Badehose {f}
       bathing suit
       swimming costume
  Badeanzug {m}
       bathing suits
  Badeanzüge {pl}
       Schwimmanzüge {pl}
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