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Translation of the word: three

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  english    german
  drei {num}
  three cheers for ...
  ein dreifaches Hoch für ...
  three coloured
  dreifarbig {adj}
  three core block
  Dreikammerstein {m}
  three courses menue
  three days after
  drei Tage danach
       drei Tage später
  three days shy of ...
  drei Tage vor ...
  three dog night [Austr.]
  sehr kalte Nacht
  Three Gorge Dam
  Drei-Schluchten-Damm {m}
  three kinds of
       three sorts of
       three different ...
  Three lives were lost.
  Drei Menschen kamen ums Leben.
  three lobed brooch
  Kleeblattfibel {f} (Archäologie)
  three months
  Vierteljahr {n}
  three points behind
  drei Punkte zurück
  three quarter
  drei Viertel (3-4)
  three score and ten years
  siebzig Jahre
  three score
  Schock {n} (60)
  three sided
  three star hotel
  Drei-Sterne-Hotel {n}
  three stripe (anemone) clown
  (Amphiprion tricinctus) [zool.]
  three wheeler
  Dreirad {n}
  three wheelers
  Dreiräder {pl}
  three-age system
  Dreiperiodensystem {n}
  dreiaxial {adj}
  Three-banded Plover
  Dreibandregenpfeifer {m} [ornith.]
  Three-banded Rosefinch
  Bindengimpel {m} [ornith.]
  Three-banded Warbler
  Cayamarcawaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  dreifeldrig {adj}
  dreilagig {adj}
  three-coat plaster
  dreilagiger Putz
  three-color printing
  Dreifarbendruck {m}
  dreieckig {adj}
  three-cornered hat
  Dreispitz {m}
  three-day beard
  Dreitagebart {m}
  three-day fever
  Dreitagefieber {n} [med.]
  three-day retreat
  dreitägige Klausurtagung {f}
  dreistellig {adj}
  three-dimensional diagram
  räumliches Diagramm
  dreidimensional -3D-
       plastisch {adj}
  three-four time
  Dreivierteltakt {m} [mus.]
  Diamant 3-4 Karat
  three-hinged arch
  Dreigelenkbogen {m}
  three-hinged arches
  Dreigelenkbögen {pl}
  three-jaw chuck
  Dreibackenfutter {n}
  three-jaw chuck with interchangeable false jaws
  Dreibackenfutter {n} (mit Aufsatzbacken) [techn.]
  three-line diagram
  Dreilinien-Diagramm {n}
  dreimonatig {adj}
  three-necked flask
  Dreihalskolben {m} (Labor)
  three-phase current geared motor
  Drehstromgetriebemotor {m}
  three-phase current geared motors
  Drehstromgetriebemotoren {pl}
  three-phase current
       three-phase A.C. current
  Drehstrom {m}
       Dreiphasenwechselstrom {m} [electr.]
  three-phase drive
  Drehstromantrieb {m}
  three-phase drives
  Drehstromantriebe {pl}
  three-phase induction machine
  Drehstrom-Asynchronmaschine {f} [electr.]
  three-phase induction machines
  Drehstrom-Asynchronmaschinen {pl}
  three-phase machine
  Drehstrommaschine {f}
  three-phase machines
  Drehstrommaschinen {pl}
  three-phase motor
       three-phase a.c. motor
       three-phase current motor
  Drehstrommotor {m}
  three-phase stepper motor
  Drehstromschrittmotor {m} [techn.]
  three-phase stepper motors
  Drehstromschrittmotoren {pl}
  three-phase system
  Drehstromsystem {n}
  three-phase systems
  Drehstromsysteme {pl}
  three-phase transformer
  Drehstromtransformator {m} [electr.]
  three-phase transformers
  Drehstromtransformatoren {pl}
  dreiphasig {adj}
  three-piece rim
  dreiteilige Felge
  three-piece suite
  Couchgarnitur {f}
  three-piece suite
  dreiteilige Polstergarnitur {f}
  three-piece suites
  Couchgarnituren {pl}
  three-pin plug
  Schukostecker {m} [electr.]
  three-pin plugs
  Schukostecker {pl}
  three-point method
  Dreipunktmethode {f}
  three-point safety belt
  Dreipunktsicherheitsgurt {m} [auto]
  three-point safety belts
  Dreipunktsicherheitsgurte {pl}
  three-pole cable
  dreipoliges Kabel
  three-room apartment
       three-room flat [Br.]
  Dreizimmerwohnung {f}
       Dreiraumwohnung {f}
  three-room apartments
       three-room flats
  Dreizimmerwohnungen {pl}
       Dreiraumwohnungen {pl}
  three-speed hub
  Dreigangnabe {f} [techn.]
  three-speed hub
  Dreigang-Nabe {f}
  three-speed hubs
  Dreigangnaben {pl}
  three-spot damsel
       orange domino (damsel)
  Dreifleck-Preußenfisch {m} (Dascyllus trimaculatus) [zool.]
  three-spotted gourami
  Blauer Fadenfisch {m} (Trichogaster trichopterus) [zool.]
  three-square hollow scraper
  Dreikant-Hohlschaber {m}
       dreistufig {adj}
  Three-streaked Tchagra
  Somalitschagra [ornith.]
  three-stripe damsel
  Dreibinden-Preußenfisch {m} (Dascyllus aruanus) [zool.]
  Three-striped Flycatcher
  Dreistreifentyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Three-striped Hemispingus
  Streifenhemispingus [ornith.]
  Three-striped Warbler
  Dreistreifen-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
       dreistöckig {adj}
  Three-toed Jacamar
  Dreizehen-Glanzvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Three-toed Kingfisher
  Dschungelfischer {m} [ornith.]
  Three-toed Parrotbill
  Dreizehen-Papageimeise {f} [ornith.]
  Three-wattled Bellbird
  Hämmerling {m} [ornith.]
  three-way conference
  Dreierkonferenz {f} [telco.]
  three-way mixing valve
  three-year fixed-term contract
  auf drei Jahre befristeter Vertrag
  threefold coordination
  Dreierkoordination {f}
  threemasted vessel
  Dreimaster {m}
  dreiteilig {adj}
  Dreiergruppe {f}
       Dreier {m}
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