english | german |
what ... of before what? what ... before?
| wovor {adv}
what a ...
| welch ein ...
What a beauty!
| Was für ein Prachtexemplar!
What a bummer!
| So eine Scheiße! [vulg.]
What a coincidence!
| Welch ein Zufall!
What a contrast!
| Welch ein Gegensatz!
What a dirty trick! What rotten luck!
| So eine Gemeinheit!
What a disgrace!
| Schmach und Schande!
What a frost!
| So eine Pleite!
What a lot (load) of rubbish!
| So ein Quatsch!
What a nerve!
| Was für eine Unverschämtheit!
What a nuisance to see this happen now, of all times.
| Zu dumm, dass das gerade jetzt passieren muss.
What a pantomime!
| Was für ein Theater!
What a pity! How sad! What a shame! [Am.]
| Wie schade! Schade!
What a sight you are.
| Wie siehst denn du aus.
What a sight!
| Das ist ein Bild für die Götter!
What a surprise!
| Was für eine Überraschung!
What a waste!
| So eine Verschwendung!
What about me?
| Und ich?
What am I going to do now?
| Nun ist guter Rat teuer.
What am I, chopped liver?
| He, warum werde ich ignoriert?
What are his politics?
| Wo steht er politisch?
What are the collection procedures for ...?
| Wie sind die Abholmodalitäten bei ...?
What are the odds on ...?
| Wie stehen die Chancen, dass ...?
What are the plans for today?
| Was ist für heute vorgesehen?
What are they talking about?
| Worüber reden sie?
What are you afraid of?
| Wovor fürchtest du dich?
What are you after?
| Was suchst du denn?
What are you basing your theory on?
| Wovon gehst du bei deiner Theorie aus?
What are you doing actually?
| Was machst du eigentlich?
What are you driving at?
| Worauf wollen Sie hinaus?
What are you talking about?
| Wovon sprechen Sie?
What are you thinking about?
| Worüber denkst du nach?
What are you trying to suggest?
| Worauf wollen Sie hinaus?
What are you up to?
| Was machst du? Was hast du vor?
What are you waiting for?
| Worauf wartest du? , warten
What bust are you? What is your bust?
| Welche Oberweite haben Sie?
What can I do for you?
| Sie wünschen? Was darf es sein?
What can I do for you?
| Womit kann ich Ihnen dienen?
What cheek! Confound his impudence!
| So eine Frechheit! Was für eine Frechheit!
What colour is it?
| Welche Farbe hat es?
What concern is it of yours?
| Was bekümmert Sie das?
What concerns us primarily is that ...
| Es geht uns primär darum, dass ...
What considerations?
| Was für Erwägungen?
What day is it today?
| Welchen Tag haben wir heute?
What did I tell you!
| Da haben wir den Salat! [ugs.]
What do you do in your free time?
| Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
What do you do in your spare time?
| Wie verbringen Sie Ihre Freizeit?
What do you expect to achieve by that?
| Was willst du damit bezwecken?
What do you make of it?
| Was halten Sie davon?
What do you mean by this?
| Was wollen Sie damit sagen?
What do you mean by this?
| Was verstehen Sie darunter?
What do you prophesy will happen?
| Was wird deiner Vorhersage nach geschehen?
What do you take me for?
| Wofür halten Sie mich?
What does he do for a living?
| Womit verdient er sein Brot?
What does he look like?
| Wie sieht er aus?
What does it taste like? It tastes like what? [coll.] What does it taste of?
| Wonach schmeckt es?
What does she live on?
| Wovon lebt sie?
What does that mean?
| Was soll das bedeuten?
What does the weather look like to you?
| Was halten Sie vom Wetter?
What does this portend?
| Was hat das zu bedeuten?
What does this word mean?
| Was bedeutet dieses Wort?
What good will that do you?
| Was hast du davon?
What has become of it?
| Was ist daraus geworden?
what has been happening in the past few days
| die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
What has come over you?
| Was ist los mit dir?
What have you been up to lately?
| Was treibst du denn so?
What have you been up to?
| Was hast du nun angestellt?
What have you done?
| Was hast du nun angestellt?
What I had in mind ...
| Das, woran ich dachte ...
What I want for Christmas is ....
| Ich wünsche mir zu Weihnachten ....
what if
| und was geschieht, wenn
What induced you to do that?
| Was hat Sie dazu bewogen?
What is at issue?
| Worum geht es?
What is he accused of?
| Wessen wird er beschuldigt?
What is that supposed to achieve?
| Was soll das bezwecken?
What is that supposed to be good for?
| Wozu soll das gut sein?
What is the difference?
| Worin besteht der Unterschied?
What is the final score (of the game)?
| Wie ist das Spiel ausgegangen? [sport]
What is the point of that?
| Was soll das bezwecken?
What is the weather like? How is the weather?
| Wie ist das Wetter?
What is your car worth as scrap?
| Wie hoch ist der Schrottwert deines Autos?
What is your opinion?
| Was meinen Sie dazu?
What is your profession?
| Was sind Sie von Beruf?
What line are you in?
| In welcher Branche bist du?
What made him do that?
| Wie kam er nur dazu?
What makes him tick?
| Was geht in ihm vor?
What makes you think that?
| Wie kommst du darauf?
what matters is that ...
| es kommt darauf an, dass ...
What may he have imagined?
| Was mag er sich wohl gedacht haben?
What next?
| Was denn noch?
What next?
| Was nun?
What next?
| Was sonst noch?
What nonsens!
| Was für Unsinn!
What nonsense!
| Was für Unsinn!
What obstacle is there to that?
| Was steht dem entgegen?
What of it!
| Was ist schon dabei?
What page, please?
| Auf welcher Seite, bitte?
What possessed you to do that?
| Was ist in Sie gefahren, so etwas zu tun?
What possessed you to do that?
| Was ist in dich gefahren, so etwas zu tun?
What racket are you in?
| Was ist dein Job?
What relation is she to you?
| Wie ist sie mit dir verwandt?
What remains to be done?
| Was kann man noch tun?
What school subjects do you have?
| Welche Fächer hast du?
What shall we do, then?
| Wie wollen wir verbleiben?
What size do you take?
| Welche Größe haben Sie?
what stands in the way of that is that ...
| dem steht allerdings entgegen, dass ...
What the heck do you mean?
| Was zum Kuckuck soll das heißen?
What time do you want breakfast?
| Um wie viel Uhr wollen Sie frühstücken?
What was that again?
| Wie war das noch?
What was that noise?
| Was war das für ein Geräusch?
What would you like to drink?
| Was möchtest du trinken?
What would you like?
| Was soll es sein?
What would you like?
| Was darf es sein?
What you have accomplished is incredible.
| Es ist unglaublich, was Sie vollbracht haben.
whatchamacallit whatsis [coll.]
| Zeug {n} Dingsbums {n} Dingsda {n} [ugs.]
| was auch trotz allem
| was denn was in aller Welt
| was immer
Whatever do you want?
| Was willst du denn?
Whatever I might do ...
| Was ich auch immer tun mag ...
Whatever the activity I am game for it.
| Egal was gemacht wird, ich bin dabei.
whatever you do
| was du auch tust
whatever you want
| alles was du willst
Whatever! [Br.] [coll.]
| Egal! {interj}
whatever whatsoever
| was was auch immer alles was
| Dingsbums {n}
| Dingsbumse {pl}
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