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Translation of the word: Blech

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  german    english
  Blech 6mm dick
  plate 6mm thick
  Blech auf Dopplung schallen
  plate is to be sounded on lamination
  Blech {n}
       Walzblech {n} (bis 5 mm)
  sheet metal
       sheet of metal
  Blechabdeckung {f}
  sheet covering
  Blechabräumer {m} [techn.]
  tray disposition point
  Blechanker {m}
  sheet anchor
  Blechanker {pl}
  sheet anchors
  Blechanschluss {m}
  sheet metal flashing
  Blecharbeiten {pl}
  sheetmetal work
  Blechbearbeitung {f}
  shaping of sheet
  Blechbeule {f}
  Blechbeulen {pl}
  Blechbläser {m} [mus.]
  Blechblasinstrument {n}
       Blechinstrument {n} [mus.]
  brass instrument
  Blechblasinstrumente {pl}
  brass instruments
  Blechdeckung {f} [constr.]
  sheet roofing
  Blechdicke {f}
  thickness of plate
  Blechdose {f}
  tin can
  Blechdosen {pl}
  tin cans
  Bleche {pl}
  Bleche {pl}
       Walzbleche {pl}
       sheets of metal
  Blecheimer {m}
  metal bucket
  Blecheimer {pl}
  metal buckets
  Blecheinlage {f}
  metal insert
  blechen {vi} {vt} [ugs.] (zahlen)
  to shell out
       to plonk down
       to cough up
       to fork out [coll.]
  shelling out
       plonking down
       coughing up
       forking out
  blechern {adj}
  Blechgeschirr {n}
  Blechhaube {f}
  sheet metal cover
  Blechhauben {pl}
  sheet metal covers
  Blechhaut {f} [mach.]
  stell skin
  Blechkiste {f}
       tin lizzy
  Blechkisten {pl}
  Blechkompensator {m} [mach.]
  metallic expansion joint
  Blechkompensatoren {pl}
  metallic expansion joints
  Blechlasche {f}
  metal butt strap
  Blechlaschen {pl}
  metal butt straps
  Blechlawine {f} [übtr.]
  solid line of cars
  Blechlawinen {pl}
  solid lines of cars
  Blechmantel {m}
  steel jacket
  Blechmäntel {pl}
  steel jackets
  Blechmutter {f} [techn.]
  speed nut
  Blechmuttern {pl}
  speed nuts
  Blechnapf {m}
  tin bowl
  Blechnäpfe {pl}
  tin bowls
  Blechöse {f}
  sheet-metal eyelet
  Blechösen {pl}
  sheet-metal eyelets
  Blechpaket {n} [techn.]
  stack of sheets
       bundle of laminations
  Blechplatte {f}
  Blechschaden {m}
  car body damage
  Blechschere {f}
  plate shears
  Blechschmied {m}
  Blechschmiede {pl}
  Blechschraube {f} [techn.]
  sheet-metal screw
  Blechschraube {f} [techn.]
  self-tapping screw
       tapping screw
  Blechschrauben {pl}
  sheet-metal screws
  Blechschrauben {pl}
  self-tapping screws
       tapping screws
  Blechstopfen {m}
  sheet-metal plug
  Blechstopfen {pl}
  sheet-metal plugs
  Blechteil {n}
  sheet metal part
  Blechteile {pl}
  sheet metal parts
  Blechteilfertigung {f}
  fabrication of sheet metal parts
  Blechträger {m}
  plate girder
  Blechträger {pl}
  plate girders
  Blechtrommel {f} [mus.]
  tin drum
  Blechtrommeln {pl}
  tin drums
  Blechumformung {f}
  sheet forming
  Blechunterlage {f}
  metal support
  Blechverkleidung {f} [mach.]
  sheet metal cladding
       sheet covering
       sheet metal housing
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