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Translation of the word: Diamant

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  german    english
  Diamant 1-2 Karat
  Diamant 1-4 Karat
  Diamant 3-4 Karat
  Diamant mittlerer Qualität [685.31+] [techn.]
  Diamant {m}
  Diamant {m} [min.]
  Diamantamadine {f} [ornith.]
  Diamond Firetail Finch
  Diamantarmband {n}
  diamond bracelet
  Diamantarmbänder {pl}
  diamond bracelets
  diamantartig {adj} [min.]
  Diamantbohrer {m}
  diamond drill
  Diamantbohrer {pl}
  diamond drills
  Diamantbohrkrone {f} [550+] [geol.]
  diamond-type cutter head
  Diamantbohrkronen {pl}
  diamond-type cutter heads
  diamanten {adj} [550+] [geol.]
  Diamanten {pl}
  Diamanten {pl}
  diamantene Hochzeit
       eiserne Hochzeit
  diamond wedding anniversary
       diamond wedding
       60th wedding anniversary
  Diamantenhalskette {f}
  diamond necklace
  Diamantenhalsketten {pl}
  diamond necklaces
  diamantführend {adj} [550+] [geol.]
  Diamantglanz {m}
  diamond lustre
       adamantine lustre
       steinhart {adj}
  Diamantkrone {f}
  diamond crown
  Diamantkronen {pl}
  diamond crowns
  Diamantmeißel {m} [techn.]
  diamond chisel
       diamond bit
       diamond-point bit
       diamond-drill bit
       solid-crown bit
  Diamantmeißel {pl}
  diamond chisels
       diamond bits
       diamond-point bits
       diamond-drill bits
       solid-crown bits
  Diamantpfäffchen {n} [ornith.]
  Lined Seedeater
  Diamantrahmen {m}
  diamond frame
  Diamantrahmen {pl}
  diamond frames
  Diamantsäge {f} (zum Zerteilen von Halbleiter-Wafer in Chips)
  die saw
  Diamantsägen {pl}
  die saws
  Diamantschleifen {n}
  diamond cutting
  Diamantschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  White-gorgetted Flycatcher
  Diamantspat {m} [min.]
  adamantine spar
  Diamantstaub {m}
       Diamantpulver {n}
       Bort {n}
  Diamanttäubchen {n} [ornith.]
  Diamond Dove
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