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Translation of the word: Investition

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  german    english
  Investition {f} [econ.]
  Investition {f}
       Kapitalaufwand {m}
  capital expenditure
  Investitions- und Kostenrechnung {f}
  investment and costing
  Investitionsabbau {m}
  Investitionsanreiz {m}
  investment incentive
  Investitionsaufwand {m}
  capital expenditure -CAPEX-
  Investitionsdarlehen {n} [fin.]
  investment loan
  Investitionsfreiheit {f}
  freedom of investment
  Investitionsgelder {pl}
  smart money
  Investitionsgüter {pl}
       Kapitalgüter {pl}
       Anlagegüter {pl}
  capital goods
       investment goods
  Investitionsklima {n}
  investment climate
  Investitionskosten {pl}
  investment costs
       capital costs
  Investitionsmöglichkeiten {pl} [fin.]
  investment opportunities
  Investitionsplan {m}
  capital spending plan
  Investitionspläne {pl}
  capital spending plans
  Investitionsprogramm {n}
  capital expenditure program
       capital expenditure programme [Br.]
  Investitionsprogramme {pl}
  capital expenditure programs
       capital expenditure programmes
  Investitionsquote {f} [fin.]
  investment ratio
  Investitionsrechnung {f}
  Investitionssumme {f}
  amount to be invested
  Investitionssummen {pl}
  amounts to be invested
  Investitionszuschuss ohne Genehmigungsverfahren
  earmark [Am.]
  Investitionszuschuss {m}
  investment grant
  Investitionszuschüsse {pl}
  investment grants
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