german | english |
Pflanze {f} [bot.]
| plant
Pflanzen umsetzen
| to transplant
Pflanzen {pl}
| plants
pflanzen {vt}
| to plant
Pflanzen... pflanzlich vegetabilisch {adj}
| vegetable
Pflanzenabdruck {m}
| plant impression vegetation print
Pflanzenabdrücke {pl}
| plant impressions vegetation prints
Pflanzenanbau {m} [agr.]
| plant cultivation
Pflanzenart {f}
| plant species species of plant
Pflanzenbehandlungsmittel {n} [agr.]
| plant protection product
Pflanzenbehandlungsmittel {pl}
| plant protection products
| planting
Pflanzendecke {f} [570+] [biol.]
| plant cover plant covering vegetable cover vegetation covering vegetative covering plant canopy vegetable blanket
Pflanzeneiweiß {n} [biol.]
| vegetable protein
Pflanzenfaser {f}
| plant fibre vegetable fibre
Pflanzenfett {n} pflanzliches Fett
| vegetable fat
pflanzenfressend {adj} [biol.]
| herbivorous plant-eating vegetable-eating
Pflanzenfresser {m} [zool.]
| herbivore herbivorous animal plant eater plant feeder herb eater herb feeder
Pflanzenfresser {pl}
| herbivores herbivorous animals plant eaters plant feeders herb eaters herb feeders
Pflanzengenetik {f} Genetik {f} der Pflanzen [biol.]
| plant genetics
Pflanzengewebe {n} pflanzliches Gewebe [bot.]
| plant tissue
Pflanzenheilkunde {f} Phytotherapie {f}
| herbalism herbology botanical medicine phytotherapy
Pflanzenkost {f} [cook.]
| vegetable foodstuffs
Pflanzenkrankheit {f} [bot.]
| plant disease
Pflanzenkrankheiten {pl} [bot.]
| plant diseases
Pflanzenkundebuch {n}
| botany book
Pflanzenkundebücher {pl}
| botany books
Pflanzenmargarine {f} [cook.]
| vegetable margarine
Pflanzenöl {n} pflanzliches Öl
| vegetable oil
Pflanzenplankton {n} Phytoplankton {n} [biol.]
| phytoplankton
Pflanzenreich {n} [biol.]
| vegetable kingdom
Pflanzenrest {m}
| plant remain
Pflanzenreste {pl}
| plant remains
Pflanzenschädling {m} [agr.]
| garden pest
Pflanzenschutz {m}
| protection of plant
Pflanzenschutzmittel {n} [agr.]
| pesticide
Pflanzenschutzmittel {pl}
| pesticides
Pflanzenwelt {f} [biol.]
| plant life
Pflanzenzüchter {m} Pflanzenzüchterin {f} [agr.]
| plant breeder
Pflanzenzüchter {pl} Pflanzenzüchterinnen {pl}
| plant breeders
Pflanzer {m}
| planter
Pflanzer {pl}
| planters