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Translation of the word: Profil

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  german    english
  Profil mit Längsrippen
  tread pattern with circumferential tread ribs
  Profil {n} (Reifen)
  Profil {n}
       Grabungsschnitt {m}
  Profil {n}
       Querschnitt {m}
       Längsschnitt {m}
  Profilabtaster {m}
  profile gauge
  Profilausrisse {pl}
  Profilbild {n}
       Seitenansicht {f}
  Profilblech {n}
  formed plate
  Profilbleche {pl}
  formed plates
  Profilblock {m}
  tread bar
  Profilbreite {f}
  width of section
  Profildienst {m}
  SDI service
  Profile {pl}
  Profileisen {n}
       Formeisen {n}
  profile iron
  Profilelement {n}
  tread element
  Profilelemente {pl}
  tread elements
  Profilextrusionsanlage {f}
  extrusion profile plant
  Profilextrusionsanlagen {pl}
  extrusion profile plants
  Profilgrund {m}
  base of tread groove
  Profilgrundriss {m}
  groove cracking
  Profilhobel {m} [mach.]
  moulding plane
  Profilhobel {pl}
  moulding planes
  Profilhöhe {f}
  depth of section
  to profile
  Profilierung {f}
       Unterscheidung {f}
  Profilkontrolle {f}
  profile check
  profilloser Reifen
  smooth tread tyre (slick)
  profilloser Reifen
       Reifen ohne Profil
  plain tread tyre
       plain tyre
       slick tyre
  Profilmesser {m}
  skid depth gage [Am.]
  Profilnetz {n}
  profile mesh
  Profilnetze {pl}
  profile meshes
  Profilometer {n} [phys.] [techn.]
  Profilometer {pl}
  Profilreifen {m}
  grooved tyre
       grooved tire [Am.]
  Profilreifen {pl}
  grooved tyres
       grooved tires
  Profilrille {f}
  tread groove
       tread rib
  Profilrillen {pl}
  tread grooves
       tread ribs
  Profilschiene {f}
  profile rail
  Profilsehne {f}
  tread chord width
  Profilsenker {m}
  Profilsohle {f}
  treaded sole
  Profilstahl {m}
  profiled steel
       sectional steel
  Profilsteg {m}
  tie-bar (tyre-tire tread)
  Profilstollen {m}
  tread bar
  Profilteil {n}
  Profiltiefe {f}
  non-skid [Am.]
       pattern depth (tread)
       skid depth [Am.]
       tread depth
       tread pattern depth
  Profiltiefenmesser {m}
  tread depth gauge
  Profilträger {m}
  sectional beam
  Profilträger {pl}
  sectional beams
  Profilzeichnung {f}
  profile drawing
  Profilzischen {n}
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