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Translation of the word: Rost

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  german    english
  Rost ansetzen
  to start to rust
  Rost {m} (Eisen, auch [bot.])
  Rost {m} (Erzaufbereitung)
  Rost {m}
       Bratrost {m}
       Grill {m}
  Rost {m}
       Feuerrost {m}
       Gitter {n}
  Rostabschlusswand {f} [mach.]
  grate air seal
  Rostachse {f} [mach.]
  grate shaft
  Rostachsel-Raupenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  White-lored Cuckoo Shrike
  Rostachsen {pl}
  grate shafts
  Rostamazilie {f} [ornith.]
  Cinnamon Hummingbird
  Rostantrieb {m} [mach.]
  grate drive
  Rostantriebe {pl}
  grate drives
  Rostattila [ornith.]
  Dull-capped Attila
  Rostbahn {f}
       Rostband {m} [mach.]
  grate track
  Rostbahnen {pl}
       Rostbände {pl}
  grate tracks
  Rostband-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-banded Honeyeater
  Rostbanderemomela [ornith.]
  Burnt-neck Eremomela
  Rostbandtimalie {f} [ornith.]
  Red-collared Flycatcher Babbler
  Rostbarteremit {m} [ornith.]
  Broad-tipped Hermit
  Rostbauch-Ammerfink {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-breasted Warbling Finch
  Rostbauch-Baumrutscher {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Treecreeper
  Rostbauch-Beutelmeise {f} [ornith.]
  Rungwe Penduline Tit
  Rostbauch-Buschammer {f} [ornith.]
  Rusty-bellied Brush Finch
  Rostbauch-Degenflügel {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-breasted Sabrewing
  Rostbauch-Dickichtvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Scrubbird
  Rostbauch-Dickkopf {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-breasted Whistler
  Rostbauch-Fahlsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Black-capped Rufous Warbler
  Rostbauch-Kurzflügel {m} [ornith.]
  Rusty-bellied Shortwing
  Rostbauch-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Philippine Flowerpecker
  Rostbauchbülbül {m} [ornith.]
  Ochraceous Bearded Bulbul
  Rostbauchguan {m} [ornith.]
  Crested Guan
  Rostbauchmeise {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-bellied Tit
  Rostbauchnewtonie {f} [ornith.]
  Common Newtonia
  Rostbauchprinie {f} [ornith.]
  Ashy Prinia
  Rostbauchschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Russet-bellied Spinetail
  Rostbauchschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Black & Rufous Swallow
  Rostbauchtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Lesser Antillean Pewee
  Rostbauchwürger {m} [ornith.]
  Red-billed Shrike
  Rostbelageisen {n} [mach.]
  firebar crossbearer
       rostfest {adj}
  Rostbindentyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-bellied Bush-Tyrant
  Rostbrachvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Long-billed Curlew
  Rostbraten {m} [cook.]
  roast joint
  Rostbratwurst {f}
       Roster {f} [cook.]
  barbecue sausage
  Rostbratwürste {pl}
       Roster {pl}
  barbecue sausages
  Rostbrauen-Ammerfink {m} [ornith.]
  Rusty-browed Warbling Finch
  Rostbrauen-Baumrutscher {m} [ornith.]
  Red-browed Treecreeper
  Rostbrauen-Laubtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-browed Tyrannulet
  Rostbrauen-Zaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
  Mountain Wren
  Rostbrauenvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-browed Pepper Shrike
  Röstbrot {n}
       Toastbrot {n}
       Toast {m}
  Rostbrust-Fliegenstecher {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-breasted Leptopogon
  Rostbrust-Laubwender {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-breasted Leafscraper
  Rostbrustbraunelle {f} [ornith.]
  Robin Accentor
  Rostbrustmonarch {m} [ornith.]
  Ogea Flycatcher
  Rostbürzel-Ameisenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  Ochre-rumped Antbird
  Rostbürzel-Lerchensänger {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Songlark
  Rostbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m} [ornith.]
  Red-tailed Wheatear
  Rostbürzelstar {m} [ornith.]
  Mountain Starling
  Rostbürzeltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant
  Rostbuschsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Brown Bush Warbler
  Rostdurchfall {m} [mach.]
  Rostdurchfalltrichter {m} [mach.]
  riddlings hopper
  Rostdurchfalltrichter {pl}
  riddlings hoppers
  Roste {pl}
       Bratroste {pl}
       Grillen {pl}
  Roste {pl}
       Feuerroste {pl}
       Gitter {pl}
  Rostelement {n} [mach.]
  grate module
  Rostelemente {pl}
  grate modules
  to roast
  to parch
  to ret
  to toast
  Rosten {n}
  Rösten {n} des Erzes
  ore roasting
  rosten {vi}
  to oxidize
       verrosten {vi}
  to rust
       to corrode
  Röster {m} [cook.]
  Röster {m} [cook.] [Ös.]
  stewed plums (or other fruits)
  rostfarben {adj}
  Rostfeuerung {f}
  stoker-fired furnace
  Rostfischer {m} [ornith.]
  Sulawesi Pygmy Kingfisher
  Rostfläche {f} [mach.]
  grate surface area
  Rostflächen {pl}
  grate surface areas
  Rostflanken-Ameisenpitta [ornith.]
  Spotted Antpitta
  Rostflanken-Ammerfink {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-sided Warbling Finch
  Rostflanken-Brillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Chestnut-flanked White-eye
  Rostflankengerygone {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-sided Flyeater
  Rostflankenhäherling {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-vented Laughing Thrush
  Rostflankentapaculo [ornith.]
  Ochre-flanked Tapaculo
  Rostfleck {m}
       Rostflecken {m}
  rust spot
       rust patch
       rust stain
  Rostflecken {pl}
       Rostflecken {pl}
  rust spots
       rust patches
       rust stains
  Rostflügel-Borstentyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Yellow-bellied Bristle Tyrant
  Rostflügelammer {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-winged Sparrow
  Rostflügeldrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Dusky Thrush
  Rostflügelstar {m} [ornith.]
  New Hebrides Starling
  rostfrei (gemacht)
       nicht rostend {adj}
       gegen rost behandelt
  rostfrei {adv}
       nicht rostend {adj}
       nicht rostend
       nicht korrodierend {adj}
  Rostgans {f} [ornith.]
  Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)
  rosthemmend {adj}
  Rösti {pl} [cook.]
  fried grated potatoes
  rostig {adv}
       verrostet {adj}
  Rostigkeit {f}
  Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta [ornith.]
  Chestnut-crowned Antpitta
  Rostkappendrossel {f} [ornith.]
  Chestnut-capped Ground Thrush
  Rostkappenpapagei {m} [ornith.]
  White-bellied Caique
  Rostkappentangare {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-headed Tanager
  Rostkappenvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-crowned Greenlet
  Röstkartoffeln {pl} [cook.]
  fried potatoes
  Rostkauz {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Hawk Owl
  Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta [ornith.]
  Ochre-striped Antpitta
  Rostkehl-Baumsteiger {m} [ornith.]
  Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper
  Rostkehl-Faulvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Russet-throated Puffbird
  Rostkehl-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Red-throated Honeyeater
  Rostkehl-Laubwender {m} [ornith.]
  Tawny-throated Leafscraper
  Rostkehl-Wasseramsel {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-throated Dipper
  Rostkehlmeise {f} [ornith.]
  Red-throated Tit
  Rostkehlnachtigall [ornith.]
  Japanese Robin
  Rostkessel {m} [mach.]
  stoker-fired boiler
  Rostkessel {pl}
  stoker-fired boilers
  Rostkinnhäherling {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-chinned Laughing Thrush
  Rostkopf-Schilfsteiger {m} [ornith.]
  Tawny Marshbird
  Rostkopf-Spateltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Ruddy Tody Flycatcher
  Rostkopftangare {f} [ornith.]
  Fulvous-headed Tanager
  Rostleistung {f} [mach.]
  grate capacity
  Rostlerche {f} [ornith.]
  Rusty Bush Lark
  Rostmantel-Blattspäher {m} [ornith.]
  Russet-mantled Foliage-gleaner
  Rostmantel-Bündelnister {m} [ornith.]
  Russet-mantled Softtail
  Rostnachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Rufus Nightjar
  Rostnackenammer {f} [ornith.]
  Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow
  Rostnackenvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-naped Greenlet
  Rostock (Stadt in Deutschland)
  Rostock (city in Germany)
  Rostohr-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Mid-mountain Honeyeater
  Rostov-na-Donu: Rostov am Don (Stadt in Russland)
  Rostov-na-Donu (city in Russia)
  Rostpiha [ornith.]
  Rufous Piha
  Rostprinie {f} [ornith.]
  Lesser Brown Prinia
  Rostrhytipterna [ornith.]
  Rufous Mourner
  rostrot {adj}
  Rostrücken-Ameisenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Ferruginous-backed Antbird
  Rostrückenammer {f} [ornith.]
  Rusty Sparrow
  Rostscheitel-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Prairie Warbler
  Rostscheitelammer {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-crowned Sparrow
  Rostschlitten {m}
       Rostwagen {m} [mach.]
  grate carriage
  Rostschlitten {pl}
       Rostwagen {pl}
  grate carriages
  Rostschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Spinetail
  Rostschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Ferruginous Flycatcher
  Rostschutz {m}
  antirust protection
  Rostschutzanstrich {m}
  antirust coating
  Rostschutzfarbe {f}
  anti-rust paint
       rust protection paint
  Rostschutzmittel {n}
  antirust agent
       rust-protective agent
  Rostschutzmittel {pl}
  antirust agents
       rust-protective agents
  Rostschwanz {m} [ornith.]
  Familiar Chat
  Rostschwanz-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  San Cristobal Honeyeater
  Rostschwanzammer {f} [ornith.]
  Stripe-headed Sparrow
  Rostschwanzgerygone {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-tailed Flyeater
  Rostschwingenralle {f} [ornith.]
  Bare-eyed Rail
  Rostsperling {m} [ornith.]
  Great Sparrow
  Rostspiegeltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-webbed Bush-Tyrant
  Roststab {m}
       Rostbelag {m} [mach.]
  fire bar
       grate firebar
       grate bar
  Roststabbündel {n} [mach.]
  cluster of firebars
  Roststabbündel {pl}
  clusters of firebars
  Roststäbe {pl}
       Rostbeläge {pl}
  fire bars
       grate firebars
       grate bars
  Roststärling {m} [ornith.]
  Rusty Blackbird
  Roststeiß-Paradiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-vented Paradise Flycatcher
  Roststelle {f}
  patch of rust
  Roststellen {pl}
  patches of rust
  Roststirn-Dornschnabel {m} [ornith.]
  Brown Thornbill
  Roststirn-Laubtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Minas Geraes Tyrannulet
  Roststirnschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous-browed Flycatcher
  Rosttinamu {m} [ornith.]
  Rusty Tinamou
  Rosttöpfer {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Hornero
  Rosttyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Bran-coloured Flycatcher
  Rostumwandler {m}
  rust converter
  Rostwangen-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
  White-throated Flycatcher Warbler
  Rostwangen-Nachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Rufous-cheeked Nightjar
  Rostwangen-Schneidervogel {m} [ornith.]
  Ashy Tailor Bird
  Rostwürgerling {m} [ornith.]
  Russet Antshrike
  Rostzügel-Spateltyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Rusty-fronted Tody Flycatcher
  Röstzwiebeln {pl} [cook.]
  fried onions
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