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Translation of the word: Student

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  german    english
  Student an einer graduate school [Am.]
  Student {m}
  Student {m}
  Student {m} -stud.-
       Studentin {f}
       Studierende {m,f}
       Studierender [stud.]
  Student(in) oder Absolvent(in) der Oxford Universität
  Studenten {pl}
  Studenten {pl}
       Angehörige eines Colleges
  Studenten {pl}
       Studentinnen {pl}
       Studierenden {pl}
  Studentenaustausch {m} [stud.]
  student exchange
  Studentenausweis {m} [stud.]
  student card
       student identity card
  Studentenausweise {pl}
  student cards
       student identity cards
  Studentenblume {f} [bot.]
  French marigold
  Studentenbude {f}
  student digs
       student housing
  Studentenclub {m} [stud.]
  student club
  Studentenclubs {pl}
  student clubs
  Studentenfutter {n} [cook.]
  student food
       nuts and raisins
       trail mix
  Studentenleben {n} [stud.]
  student life
  Studentenrat {m} [stud.]
  student council
  Studentenschaft {f} [stud.]
  student body
  Studentenvertretung {f} [stud.]
  student representation
       students council
  Studentenvertretungen {pl}
  student representations
       students councils
  Studentenwerk {n} [stud.]
  student union
       student services
  Studentenwerksbeitrag {m} [stud.]
  student welfare contribution
  Studentenwerksbeiträge {pl}
  student welfare contributions
  Studentin {f} an einer gemischten Schule
  studentische Hilfskraft {f}
  student assistant
  studentische Selbstverwaltung {f}
  student self-administration
You can find more information to Student here:
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