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Translation of the word: brutto

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  german    english
  brutto für netto
  gross for net
  Brutto {n} -Br.-
  gross -gr.-
  Bruttobetrag {m}
  gross amount
  Bruttobeträge {pl}
  gross amounts
  Bruttodividende {f} [fin.]
  gross dividend
  Bruttodividenden {pl}
  groses dividends
  Bruttoeinnahmen {pl}
       Bruttoeinkünfte {pl}
  gross earnings
       gross receipts
  Bruttoersparnis {f}
  gross saving
  Bruttogehalt {n}
       Bruttobezug {m}
  gross salary
       gross pay
  Bruttogewicht {n}
  gross weight -gr.wt.-
  Bruttogewichte {pl}
  gross weights
  Bruttogewinn {m}
  top-line profit
  Bruttogewinne {pl}
  top-line profits
  Bruttohandelsspanne {f}
  gross margin
  Bruttoinlandsprodukt {n}
       Bruttoinlandprodukt {n} -BIP- [econ.]
  gross domestic product -GDP-
  Bruttoinvestition {f}
  gross investment
  Bruttojahresarbeitsentgelt {n}
  annual gross pay
  Bruttokapitalbildung {f}
  gross capital formation
  Bruttolohn {m}
  gross wage
       gross pay
  Bruttomiete {f}
  gross rent
  Bruttomieten {pl}
  gross rents
  Bruttoprämie {f}
  gross premium
  Bruttoprämien {pl}
  gross premiums
  Bruttopreis {m}
  gross price
  Bruttopreise {pl}
  gross prices
  Bruttoregistertonnen -BRT-
  gross register tons -GRT-
  Bruttosozialprodukt pro Kopf
  per capita gross national product
  Bruttosozialprodukt {n}
       Bruttonationaleinkommen {n} -BSP-
  gross national product -GNP-
  Bruttoverdienst {m}
  gross profit
  Bruttoverdienst {m}
       Bruttoeinkommen {n}
  gross income
       before-tax income
  Bruttoverdienste {pl}
  gross profits
  Bruttoverkaufspreis {m}
  gross selling price
  Bruttoverlust {m}
  gross loss
  Bruttovolkseinkommen {m}
  gross national income
  Bruttowertschöpfung {f}
  gross value added
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