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Translation of the word: eingangs

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  german    english
  eingangs {adv}
  at the beginning
       at the start
  Eingangsbereich {m}
  entry area
  Eingangsbereiche {pl}
  entry areas
  Eingangsbestätigung {f}
  acknowledgement [Br.]
       acknowledgment [Am.]
  Eingangsbuch {n}
  book of arrivals
       register of items received
  Eingangsbücher {pl}
  books of arrivals
       registers of items received
  Eingangsdaten {pl}
  input data
       incoming data
  Eingangsdatum {n}
       Empfangsdatum {n}
  date of receipt
  Eingangsdruck {m}
  inlet pressure
  Eingangsfächer {pl}
  freight inward
  Eingangshalle {f}
  entrance hall
  Eingangshallen {pl}
  entrance halls
  Eingangsklemme {f}
  input terminal
  Eingangsklemmen {pl}
  input terminals
  Eingangskontrolle {f}
  receiving control
  Eingangskontrollen {pl}
  receiving controls
  Eingangslastfaktor {m}
  Eingangsleistung {f}
  power input
  Eingangslied {n}
  Eingangspost {f}
  incoming mail
  Eingangssignal {n}
  input signal
  Eingangssignale {pl}
  input signals
  Eingangsspannung {f} [electr.]
  input voltage
  Eingangsstelle {f}
  entry point
       receiving section
  Eingangsstellen {pl}
  entry points
       receiving sections
  Eingangsstufe {f}
  Eingangsstufen {pl}
  Eingangstest {m}
       Eingangsprüfung {f}
       Wareneingangsprüfung {f} [techn.]
  incoming test
  Eingangstests {pl}
       Eingangsprüfungen {pl}
       Wareneingangsprüfungen {pl}
  incoming tests
  Eingangstür {f}
  entrance door
  Eingangstüren {pl}
  entrance doors
  Eingangswelle {f} [techn.]
  input shaft
  Eingangswellen {pl}
  input shafts
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