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Translation of the word: ends

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  german    english
  Endsaldo {m}
  closing balance
  Endschalldämpfer {m} [auto]
       rear section
  Endschalter {m}
  limit switch
       limit stop switch
  Endschalter {pl}
  limit switches
       limit stop switches
  Endschaufel {f} (Turbine) [mach.]
  last-stage blade
  Endschaufelkranz {m} (Turbine) [mach.]
  last-stage blade ring
  Endschaufeln {pl}
  last-stage blades
  Endsieg {m}
  ultimate victory
  Endsiege {pl}
  ultimate victories
  Endsilbe {f}
  final syllable
  Endsilben {pl}
  final syllables
  Endspurt {m}
  final spurt
  Endspurte {pl}
  final spurts
  Endstadium {n}
       Endphase {f}
  final stage
       terminal stage
       terminal phase
  endständig {adj} [bot.]
  Endstation {f}
       Endstelle {f}
  Endstationen {pl}
  Endstöpsel {m}
  end plug
  Endstöpsel {pl}
  end plugs
  Endstromkreis {m} [electr.]
  final circuit
  Endstromkreise {pl}
  final circuits
  Endstück {n} vom Auspuffrohr [auto.]
  Endstück {n} [techn.]
       tail end
  Endstufe {f} [electr.]
  power amplifier
  Endstufen {pl}
  power amplifiers
  Endsumme {f}
  Endsummen {pl}
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