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Translation of the word: lots

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  german    english
  Lotschnur {f} [constr.]
  plumb line
  Lötschuh {m}
       Lötkelch {m}
  solder cup
  Lötschuhe {pl}
       Lötkelche {pl}
  solder cups
  Lotse {m}
       Lotsin {f} [naut.]
  Lotse {m}
       Lotsin {f}
       Fluglotse {m}
       Fluglotsin {f} [aviat.]
  air traffic controller
       flight controller
  to pilot
       to guide
  Lotsen {pl}
  Lotsen {pl}
       Lotsinnen {pl}
       Fluglotsen {pl}
       Fluglotsinnen {pl}
  air traffic controllers
       flight controllers
  Lotsenboot {n}
  pilot boat
       pilot vessel
  Lotsenboote {pl}
  pilot boats
       pilot vessels
  Lotsendienst {m}
  pilot service
  Lotsenzwang {m}
  compulsory pilotage
  Lötstelle {f}
       Lötverbindung {f}
  solder joint
       solder connection
       soldered joint
  Lötstellen {pl}
       Lötverbindungen {pl}
  soldering joints
       solder connections
  Lötstift {m}
  solder pin
  Lötstifte {pl}
  solder pins
  Lötstopplack {m}
  solder resist
  Lötstoppmaske {f}
  solder resist mask
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