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Translation of the word: nap

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  german    english
  Napalm {n}
  Napf {m}
       small dish
  Napfdichtung {f} [techn.]
  cup gasket
       plunger washer
  Napfdichtungen {pl}
  cup gaskets
       plunger washers
  Napfkolben {m} [techn.]
  plunger cup
  Napfkolben {pl}
  plunger cups
  Napfkuchen {m}
       Rodonkuchen {m}
       Topfkuchen {m}
       Gugelhupf {m} [Ös.]
       Marmorgugelhupf [Ös.]
       Gugelhopf {m} [Schw.] [cook.]
  marble cake
       Bundt [tm] cake [Am.]
  Napfkuchenform {f}
       Gugelhupfform {f} [cook.]
  Bundt [tm] pan [Am.]
  Napfschnecke {f} [zool.]
       keyhole limpet
  Napfschnecken {pl}
       keyhole limpets
  Naphtha {n}
       stone oil
  Naphthalin {n} [chem.]
  Napkin-Feder {f} [techn.]
  napkin female
  Napodegenflügel {m} [ornith.]
  Napo Sabrewing
  Napoleonfasan {m} [ornith.]
  Palawan Peacock-Pheasant
       Neapel (Stadt in Italien)
       Naples (city in Italy)
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