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Translation of the word: nést

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  german    english
  Nest {n}
  Nestbau {m}
  Nestbauinstinkt {m}
  nesting instinct
  Nestei {n}
  nest egg
  Nesteier {pl}
  nest eggs
  Nester {pl}
  Nestflüchter {m} [zool.]
  precocial bird
       nidifugous bird
       precocial animal
  Nestflüchter {pl}
  precocial birds
       nidifugous birds
       precocial animals
  Nesthäkchen {n} [übtr.]
  nestling [fig.]
  Nesthäkchen {pl}
  Nesthocker {m} [zool.]
  nidicolous bird
       nidicolous animal
  Nesthocker {pl}
  nidicolous birds
       nidicolous animals
  Nestling {m}
  Nestlinge {pl}
  Nestor {m}
  Nestrückkehrer {m}
       Hotel-Mama-Kind {n} (erwachsenes Kind, das wieder zu den Eltern zieht) [übtr.]
  boomerang kid
       boomerang child [fig.]
  Nestwärme {f} [übtr.]
  warmth of a happy family life
       love and security
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Terms found: 17
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